Exodus' CRT TV's Overlays Collection (With Day and Night support)

Now that I can finally post more photos, I’d like to preview the other 8 of them:

Link to them is in the previous post…


That’s great work Andy!

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Hi, where did you get that 960 figure from? The nes has 256 horizontal resolution 256 x 3 = 768

720 is correct, the nes has 240 vertical resolution 240 x 3 = 720

Sure - it’s how crt tvs actually worked with nes and snes image - they have been stretching horizontal part to make it 4:3. For game developers it sometimes meant that they need to draw a vertical oval to make it look like a circle when players see that on their TVs. You can find more about by searching for “nes aspect ratio”, eg. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/916396-super-nintendo/77113211 Using a 720 horizontal as a starting point, horizontals would be 720*4/3=960 That’s essentially the same as 4:3 mode in nes and snes classic, as well as in virtual console on Nintendo consoles (eg 3ds)


Hello Exodus, Sorry for the newbie question how do I install this on my Streamlabs twitch page on Mac? Im confused here

Hey. I’m just wondering why these weren’t designed to use Integer Scale? Integer scale works best with CRT shaders so I thought bezels were then used to hide black area caused by Integer Scale?

Wow this is lovely, I may try doing a vector retracing!!!


And here we go!


Sorry for the late reply, but I’m glad somebody found a use for my Philips TV Image Finds.


Some more attached. I like the generic retro look. Mega link: https://mega.nz/file/HdpwVQKT#5m01UsLcW9EYycb4LqvRhVjpgUaBooPzUzTvQ41L1TA


Hi, I’ve created custom bezels using one of your frames. I’d like to share them more widely but figured I’d ask first


@lukeskope Has you made more consoles with this style?