I’m fairly new to Lakka, but have had success with MAME and most other cores I’ve tried.
I’ve got 2.3.1 on RPi4. What’s the right version of FB Neo ROMs for this setup?
I’ve tried 2018-08-17 from (REDACTED) with limited success. First, scanning didn’t work. It only came up with about 20 roms. I used a playlist maker which seemed to create a playlist from fba.dat - so I’m not surprised that that playlist has had limited success.
So my questions:
- Is 2019-08-17 the right rom set to use for FB Neo on Lakka on RPi4?
- What’s the best way to create a playlist? I’d appreciate a pointer to the appropriate script
Thanks again - I’m a newbie but trying to come up to speed, so sorry if these have been answered elsewhere. I did search the forums with limited luck.