Flycast not displaying VMUs anymore

At some point recently, even when I have VMUs display ON in settings, no VMUs are shown in game. I have performed the steps outlined in the core common issues for resetting a VMU but no luck. I have tested in various games.

The emulator runs games fine and saves to VMUs fine, it just does not show the screen in game, so although a small problem it would still be nice if it functioned.

Core Settings:

reicast_allow_service_buttons = “disabled” reicast_alpha_sorting = “per-triangle (normal)” reicast_analog_stick_deadzone = “15%” reicast_anisotropic_filtering = “4” reicast_boot_to_bios = “disabled” reicast_broadcast = “Default” reicast_cable_type = “TV (Composite)” reicast_custom_textures = “disabled” reicast_delay_frame_swapping = “disabled” reicast_digital_triggers = “disabled” reicast_div_matching = “disabled” reicast_dump_textures = “disabled” reicast_enable_dsp = “enabled” reicast_enable_naomi_15khz_dipswitch = “disabled” reicast_enable_purupuru = “enabled” reicast_enable_rttb = “disabled” reicast_force_wince = “disabled” reicast_frame_skipping = “disabled” reicast_framerate = “fullspeed” reicast_gdrom_fast_loading = “disabled” reicast_hle_bios = “disabled” reicast_internal_resolution = “2560x1920” reicast_language = “Default” reicast_lightgun1_crosshair = “disabled” reicast_lightgun2_crosshair = “disabled” reicast_lightgun3_crosshair = “disabled” reicast_lightgun4_crosshair = “disabled” reicast_mipmapping = “enabled” reicast_oit_abuffer_size = “512MB” reicast_per_content_vmus = “disabled” reicast_pvr2_filtering = “disabled” reicast_region = “Default” reicast_render_to_texture_upscaling = “1x” reicast_screen_rotation = “horizontal” reicast_show_lightgun_settings = “disabled” reicast_show_vmu_screen_settings = “enabled” reicast_synchronous_rendering = “enabled” reicast_system = “auto” reicast_texupscale = “off” reicast_texupscale_max_filtered_texture_size = “256” reicast_threaded_rendering = “enabled” reicast_trigger_deadzone = “0%” reicast_vmu1_pixel_off_color = “DEFAULT_OFF 01” reicast_vmu1_pixel_on_color = “DEFAULT_ON 00” reicast_vmu1_screen_display = “enabled” reicast_vmu1_screen_opacity = “100%” reicast_vmu1_screen_position = “Upper Left” reicast_vmu1_screen_size_mult = “1x” reicast_vmu2_pixel_off_color = “DEFAULT_OFF 01” reicast_vmu2_pixel_on_color = “DEFAULT_ON 00” reicast_vmu2_screen_display = “disabled” reicast_vmu2_screen_opacity = “100%” reicast_vmu2_screen_position = “Upper Left” reicast_vmu2_screen_size_mult = “1x” reicast_vmu3_pixel_off_color = “DEFAULT_OFF 01” reicast_vmu3_pixel_on_color = “DEFAULT_ON 00” reicast_vmu3_screen_display = “disabled” reicast_vmu3_screen_opacity = “100%” reicast_vmu3_screen_position = “Upper Left” reicast_vmu3_screen_size_mult = “1x” reicast_vmu4_pixel_off_color = “DEFAULT_OFF 01” reicast_vmu4_pixel_on_color = “DEFAULT_ON 00” reicast_vmu4_screen_display = “disabled” reicast_vmu4_screen_opacity = “100%” reicast_vmu4_screen_position = “Upper Left” reicast_vmu4_screen_size_mult = “1x” reicast_volume_modifier_enable = “enabled” reicast_widescreen_cheats = “disabled” reicast_widescreen_hack = “disabled”

Maybe an overlay covers them?

I am using startup themes on Launchbox but disabling this didn’t seem to make a change.

I also switched off Video Layour and On Screen Overlay in Retroarch to check and unfortunately nothing. Thanks for the suggestion though.