FreeJ2me fork with ready to use cores

The original core had to be compiled, there are ready to use dll/so files for Win/Linux available here from this fork:

I had the original working under Linux, this one I just tested under Windows 10, works (after installing java).


No luck here loading content with the core

I’m able to load the core itself (says version 1.2). In ‘core information’ it says it found the freej2me-lr.jar file correctly but when I try to load .jar file/game I only get a popup error windows that says:

‘Java Virtual Machine Launcher - Error: Unable to Access jarfile’

I do have Java 8 installed and I can open and play jar games with the “standalone” freej2me.

edit: Okay, found the problem. Apparently, the core didn’t like my folder’s name (“RetroArch 1.17.0”) so I made a new folder called “RetroArch_Aux” (no spaces) next to “RetroArch 1.17.0” and added the line:

system_directory = “D:\RetroArch_Aux\system”

to ‘FreeJ2ME.cfg’ then placed freej2me-lr.jar in it. I didn’t want to risk just renaming the folder as a few cores will use full, absolute path names in rare cases for some stuff. And well, now it works.


Thank you sooo much for pointing this out!

I was never able to build a working version on windows 10 before this!

Installed the latest version of Java (Java 8 Update 411). Then from this page ( downloaded and copied the “freej2me_libretro.dll” to the “cores” folder and “freej2me-lr.jar” to the “system” folder. Then loaded the game “jar” files from RA “Load Content” and the games run nicely!

By combining the best features of RA such as, per game/core configs, controller support & mappings, and shaders support, this makes the J2me games experience so much better!

But one issue I have is that, when I go into the menu the games don’t pause. Even when I quit RA, the background music keeps running and I have to force close the “Java™ Platform SE binary” task from task manager to stop the games.

Have you faced any similar issues?

Yes, I also have this issue. I don’t recall having this with Linux, but it’s just a minor annoyance I guess.

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Yeah, same issue here as well. I have to Alt+CTLR+Delete and close the process manually as it doesn’t close on itself when closing RA.

Other than that there are few games that have sound issues (or no sound at all) that aren’t present in standalone.

Doom II RPG seem very unstable if you leave the sound on (crawls in certain part and even random crashes) but they disappear if you disable sound in the game at start up.


Other games plays fine without issues:

J2ME - Chuzzle_360x640_Nokia_5800-460808-240710-123213

So, overall I’d say that while the core as it is currently is not perfect it’s very much usable.

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I know this core isn’t meant for Android but it doesn’t work there… (I used the .so file for Linux)

Hi - I’m necromancing this thread, but now there is a fork of FreeJ2ME actively developed at, with more games supported and better quality in emulation.

Nightly builds of both JARs and Libretro cores can be found in the Actions -> Artifacts, or through


I’ve been using this core since a week or so - simply great.

I don’t know why it’s not available from Libretro / The buildbot and SquirrelJME is. SJME has been available since at least six years and can’t load a thing, there was no reason to make it available to download even if it’s being worked on… And to be honest, I don’t believe it will have significant things to put on the table compared to FJ2ME-plus, it’s just really late.

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Thank you for sharing this! I hope we’ll see more Java phone bezels by the community in the future.

For now I made these presets for koko-aio and MBZ:

The quality of these screenshots is heavily compressed.