Ok one last thing lol, does the rollback romset have to be the same version as the latest mame romset you’ll be using or can they be 2 completely different versions?
The rollback should be from the same version as your MAME romset collection, or a later version. Just as long as its not from an earlier version.
and im guessing i cant use a ‘Merged’ romset?
Nope. “Full Non-Merged”, “Non-Merged,” and “Split” sets are supported.
I have listed those in order of my personal preference, although opinions as to which is best differ.
So after the set has been built how would you go about stream lining it, for example i wouldnt want 4 different versions of the SF2 in my list?
I created a utility for this purpose which, as you might guess, is my preferred way to deal with your scenario: Simple Arcade Multifilter - app for MAME and FB Alpha ROM sets
edit: for now if you use the Multifilter or another filtering tool you’ll have to stick with the MAME 2003 catver.ini file. We don’t yet have an updated catver for MAME 2003 although the old one is going to be pretty decent regardless. Newly added games will not be ignored, they will just not be assigned a genre in the Multifilter GUI, they’ll be in the unmatched category.
So could i use this utility for the latest version of MAME if i had a split rom set to make just 1 working version of each game?
Also is it possible for say 4 player games like TMNT and Simpsons to have the utility produce 2 versions for these type of games, one version the full 4 player and then a 2 player version?
The answer to your first question is yes, the multifilter is compatible with current MAME and with split sets. Don’t tell it to remove clones if you want clones of course
The multifilter isn’t smart enough to sort by player count though I’m afraid.
Hi! I like to use ROMCENTER to built the romsets …is there a way to convert the .dat.xml to be accepted?
…oh… and please… can someone make a custom soundtrack for COMMANDO with the C64 SID Music…haha …pleeeaaseee…
Thanx for response…I use core generated xml with Romcenter 4 rc3 … then got error message Dat in Mame070 format Loading games from mame2003-plus.xml Error: Unable to cast object of type ‘System.DBNull’ to type ‘System.String’. Duration: 00:00:53 aahhhh Have you the same Version?
No, I use the old 3.7.1.
Maybe this is romcenter bug? Or maybe they have removed support for earlier DAT formats intentionally?
I try it… it’s weekend (yeahhh) and I have some time now… !DANKESCHÖN!
Yup… works with 3.7.1…
…Back to the Future…
That’s annoying. Are either of you willing to check with the romcenter developer to see if they are planning to not support older DAT formats?
So the mame2003 plus core is a bit buggy yeah? have tried a few games and they either lock up or some graphically issues.
One example is Street Fighter2 CE the rom locks up on the intro just when the guy is about to sock the other
Generally things should work as good or better than mame2003. We’d be glad to get a bug report on Street Fighter 2 CE at http://github.com/libretro/mame2003-plus-libretro/issues
Hi, I made a bug report - Romcenter 4 is release candidate 3 at the moment, hope it get fixed in the final version…
Ok have posted the issue.
Have noticed SF2 world warrior has a similar issue but rather than locking up at the same point the audio just has a constant tone and doesnt play the audio correctly