Help with Hatari core

Works fine because it was updated some time after i made this thread.

Somebody said they still couldn’t figure it out only may this year. I’ve been using the core for over a year without problems.

Btw, i can’t use the keyboard option either. When i press “Define Keys” nothing happens

I’m having the same behaviour (using the Hatari core within RetroArch). What did you do to solve this?

It’s been a while, i don’t remember if i did something other than simply updating the core. I haven’t used it for at leas a few months to see if there are any new issues.

Edit: Seems like the core is changed again. I had to disable the mouse in the input options (and restart the core) for Alien Syndrome controls to work.

Is this within Hatari or RetroArch?

In the Hatari core options

You mean this screen?

No the “Core Options” from the “Quick Menu” in RetroArch. After you have loaded a game.

I don’t see any Quick Menu or Core Options, could you post a screenshot please?

You load a game with the Hatari core.

You press the RA menu button (this will take you directly in the Quick Menu section, you don’t have to look for it). There should be a “core options” menu, just like in every other core.

Ahhh ok I’m with you now…I disabled the mouse but still ‘define keys’ does nothing. I don’t suppose you have a dll or config file where it’s working you could share? Thanks in advance

I don’t think the “define keys” section ever worked tbh. The real problem was that i couldn’t make some games work with either a keyboard or a gamepad. And there weren’t any core options to fix that. So these games were uncontrollable.

At some point this was fixed and the affected games would see the gamepad by default, without me doing anything. It just worked.

More recent versions did more changes and those games don’t see the gamepad once again by default. However, this time you can go to the core options and fix the issue by disabling the mouse in those games.

In all situations, the “define keys” section in Hatari’s internal menu doesn’t really do anything. In RetroArch cores you can define the keys from the control options in the quick menu, which is the same with most cores. So in most cases, the original “internal” way to define controls (like you would in the standalone version) may not work, it depends on how the core is integrated or something like that.

So, just get the latest core and if you want to play a game that doesn’t need the mouse, disable it from the core options and define the keys from the control options in the RA quick menu.

Ah I get you. I think everything is kinda working now. Just Double Dragon seems to not recognise any presses at all. Most other games seem to be ok with using a keyboard as a joystick. Thanks for your help

If you had a previous remap you need to delete it with the new updated core. I also deleted override file and did everything again, all work now.

Hi Darius, I’m not sure what a remap/override file is and whether or not I have one. AFAIK the core hasn’t been updated because I only downloaded it a week ago so I assume it’s the latest version.

Not sure if everyone is aware, but there is a MUCH improved Hatari core available:

I’m not sure if all of the changes have been rolled into whatever they officially release, but the core is amazing!

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It’s a distinct version for now, the current libretro one has a much older basis. Either the newer one is going to supplant the other one, or both will be available like is the case for other cores (mostly for performance related reasons I suppose).