Hgoda90 - Duimon Custom Colors

Duimon’s Arcadia 2001


 – The Arcadia 2001 is an 8-bit console made by Emerson Radio Corp. that took the model of licensing the console to various manufacturers, ending up with over 30 Arcadia clones. Its graphical power is comparable to that of the Intellivision and Odyssey 2.

  • Processor: Signetics 2650 CPU @ 3.58 MHz
  • RAM: 512 bytes
  • ROM: None
  • Graphics: Signetics 2637 UVI
  • Sound: Single Channel “Beeper” + Single Channel “Noise”

giantbomb.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Arcadia 2001: 3694

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Emerson – Arcadia 2001 folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp; Gold-[Custom-Bezel_001].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Emerson_Arcadia_2001/Arcadia-[STD]-[Guest]-[Custom-Bezel_001].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "46.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "65.000000"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Gold |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "46.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "23.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "65.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "357.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "23.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "65.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "357.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "23.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "65.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Gold Gallery

Duimon’s Atari Jaguar


     Tom: Graphics Processor (32-bit RISC @ 26 MHz)
     Object (64-bit RISC @ 26 Mhz)
     Blitter (64-bit RISC @ 26 Mhz)
     Jerry: Digital Signal Processor (32-bit @ 26 MHz)
     Motorola 68000 (16-bit @ 13 MHz)

     16-bit stereo

     Variable (Typical was 320x240, but it can go up to 800 pixels per scanline.)

     16 million

     2 megabytes (16 megabit), cartridges up to 6 megabytes

  Special Features
     Hardware scrolling & rotation
     texture mapping, transparency
     Gourard shading
     10,000+ polys per second

ataritimes.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Atari Jaguar: 823

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Atari – Atari Jaguar folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp; Yellow-[PVM20].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Atari_Jaguar/Jaguar-[STD]-[Guest]-[PVM20].slangp"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "352.000000"
DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Yellow |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "43.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "92.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "75.400000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "354.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "92.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "85.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "354.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "92.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "85.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_TOP_HUE = "45.000000"
      HSM_TOP_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "3.000000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel and Top (Decal)
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

*LED (Device) = LED is settings used and () is Layer used

Yellow Gallery

Duimon’s Atari XEGS


  – The Atari XEGS, fully titled the Atari XE Video Game System , is a video game console released by the Atari Corporation in 1987. The XEGS had backwards-compatibility with any of the Atari 8-bit Family systems released until 1987. The system was also notable in that, while equipped with peripherals, could function like a standard home computer.

  • CPU: 6502C @ 1.78 MHz
  • Memory: 64K
  • Graphics: GTIA and ANTIC custom chips, 384x240 resolution, 256 colors
  • Sound: POKEY custom chip, 4 voices
  • Plus two joystick ports, optional keyboard, disk drive and light gun.

lastlevel.fandom.com, 2024
steemit.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Atari XEGS: 1625

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Atari – Atari XEGS folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp; Option-[Custom-Bezel_001].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Atari_XEGS/Atari_XEGS-[STD]-[Guest]-[Custom-Bezel_001].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "7.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "76.000000"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Option |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "7.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "27.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "76.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "318.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "27.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "86.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "318.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "27.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "86.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

| Power |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "139.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "15.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "79.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "90.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "15.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "89.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "90.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "15.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "89.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

| Reset |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "287.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "18.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "77.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "238.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "18.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "87.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "238.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "18.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "87.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

| System |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "48.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "7.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "56.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "359.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "7.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "66.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "359.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "7.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "66.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Option Gallery

Power Gallery

Reset Gallery

System Gallery

Duimon’s Bally Astrocade


– Originally announced as the “Bally Home Library Computer” in October 1977 and then released to stores in April of 1978, the “Bally Professional Arcade” (later known as the Astrocade) never really took off commercially, but it did develop a strong cult following.

  • CPU: Z80, 1.789 MHz
  • RAM: 4k (up to 64k with external modules in the expansion port)
  • ROM: 8k
  • Cart ROM: 8k
  • Expansion: 64K total
  • Ports: 4 controller, 1 expansion, 1 light pen
  • Sound: 3 voices + noise/vibrato effects (played through the TV)
  • Resolution: True 160×102 / Basic 160×88 / Expanded RAM 320×204
  • Colors: True 8* / Basic 2

retroconsoles.fandom.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Bally Astrocade: 3705

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Bally – Astrocade folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp; Gold+Black-[TM20].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Bally_Astrocade/astrocade-[STD]-[Guest]-[TM20].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "14.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "357.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"
DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Gold + Black |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "14.000000"

      HSM_FRM_COLOR_HUE = "46.000000"
      HSM_FRM_COLOR_SATURATION = "23.000000"
      HSM_FRM_COLOR_VALUE = "65.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "357.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "23.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "65.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "357.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "23.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "65.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel and Frame
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel and Frame
[Custom-Bezel_002]: Bezel, Device and Decal
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Gold + Black Gallery

Duimon’s Coleco Adam


– The Adam was a home computer manufactured by Coleco, in two forms, as a standalone system and as Expansion Module #3 for the ColecoVision video game console.

  • CPU
    • Main CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz
    • Support Processors: x3
    • Motorola 6801 @ 1 MHz (memory & I/O, tape and keyboard control)
  • Memory
    • RAM: 64kB
    • Video RAM: 16kB
    • ROM: 32kB
  • Storage
    • x2 on-board Digital Data Pack tape drives
    • Coleco Adam Disk Drive (optional)
    • Coleco Adam Memory
  • Graphics
    • Texas Instruments TMS9928A
    • 256 x 192 resolution
    • 32 sprites
  • Sound
    • Texas Instruments SN74689AN
    • 3 voices
    • White noise
  • Connectivity
    • x3 Internal slots
    • x1 Cartridge slot
    • 62.5 kbits/sec half-duplex
    • AdamNet serial bus
    • ColecoVision-type expansion-port

crummy-computers.fandom.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Coleco Adam: 3645

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Coleco – Adam folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Gray-[Bezel].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Coleco_Adam/Adam-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "43.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "52.000000"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Gray |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "43.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "5.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "52.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "354.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "5.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "62.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "354.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "5.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "62.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Gray Gallery

Duimon’s Enterprise 128


– The Enterprise One Two Eight was a British computer with a BASIC Interpreter which was supplied on a ROM cartridge and could be easily replaced with any other language. The first machine to be released to market was the Enterprise 64, which as the name suggested had half the memory of this machine, and despite being an excellent computer technically, the higher price and similar specs to its rivals such as the Amstrad CPC range, led to poor sales and the company was to abandon this model and replace it with the 128.

  • CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 4MHz
  • RAM: 128KB
  • Graphics: “Nick” ASIC
  • Display: 80 × 256, 256 colours; 320 × 256, 16 colours; 640 × 512 interlaced, 640 × 256 non-interlaced, 2 colours
  • Sound: “Dave” ASIC (3 channels + noise)
  • Connectivity: RGB out, serial port, printer port, joystick ports, cassette tape interfaces, cartridge slot, expansion port

computinghistory.org.uk, 2024
en.wikipedia.org, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Enterprise 128: 3548

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Enterprise Computers – Enterprise 128 folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Green-[Custom-Bezel_002].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Enterprise_128k/Enterprise-[STD]-[Guest]-[Custom-Bezel_002].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "160.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "60.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "112.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.4500000"
HSM_DECAL_HUE = "112.000000"
HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"
DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Green |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "160.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "70.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "60.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "112.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "70.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "64.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "112.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "70.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "64.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Green Gallery

Duimon’s Fairchild Channel F


– The Fairchild Channel F is a game console released by Fairchild Semiconductor in November 1976 and invented by Jerry Lawson. It made its first public appearance in June of 1976 at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. However, the company only displayed a non-working empty shell, so the system did not attract much press attention. A few weeks later, the Channel F made a much bigger debut nationwide as part of a July 6, 1976 article in Businessweek called “The Smart Machine Revolution.” It has the distinction of being the first programmable ROM cartridge–based video game console, and the first console to use a microprocessor.

  • CPU chip: Fairchild F8 operating at 1.79 MHz (PAL gen. 1: 2.00 MHz, PAL gen.2: 1.77 MHz)
  • RAM: 64 bytes, 2 kB VRAM (2×128×64 bits)
  • Resolution: 128 × 64 pixels, approximately 102 × 58 pixels visible depending on TV
  • Colors: eight colors (either black/white or four color max. per line)
  • Audio: 1 channel capable of playing 500 Hz, 1 kHz, and 1.5 kHz tones that could be modulated to produce different tones
  • Input: two custom game controllers, hardwired to the console (original release) or removable (Channel F System II)
  • Output: RF modulated composite video signal, cord hardwired to console

retroconsoles.fandom.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Enterprise 128: 770

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Fairchild – Channel F folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Brown-[PVM20].slangp
#reference "../../../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Fairchild_Channel_F/ChannelF-[STD]-[Guest]-[PVM20].slangp"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "333.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"
DeviceImage = "../../../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Brown |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "22.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "75.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "28.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "333.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "75.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "38.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "333.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "75.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "28.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

| Yellow |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "34.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "74.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "89.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "345.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "74.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "99.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "345.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "74.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "89.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Brown Gallery

Yellow Gallery

Duimon’s FB-Neo


 – FinalBurn Neo (also referred to as FBNeo or FBN) is a multi-system emulator (Arcade, consoles and computers) under active development. Unlike MAME it’s more focused on playability and advanced features than preservation. It is the follow-up of the FinalBurn and FinalBurn Alpha emulators.

docs.libretro.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

FB-Neo: 1367

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into FB-Neo folder
  4. Name preset file “color”_“style”.slangp; Red_Cabinet.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/FB-Neo/FB-Neo-[STD]-[Guest].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"
HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_BG_HUE = "0.000000"
HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"

Preset Settings

| Blue |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "239.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "239.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "239.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Green |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "115.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "115.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "115.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Orange |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "25.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "8.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "8.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Pink |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "325.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "344.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "344.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Purple |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "288.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "271.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "271.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Red |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "7.000000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| White |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "10.800000"

      HSM_BG_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_BG_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BG_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

Blue Gallery

Green Gallery

Orange Gallery

Pink Gallery

Purple Gallery

Red Gallery

White Gallery

Duimon’s Nintendo Game Boy DMG-01


  – Everyone loves Game Boy. Packing a huge amount of power into a tiny package, this little console proved a revolution in videogaming when it launched in Japan in 1989. Since then, this pocket-sized system has sold over 100 million units, giving gamers all over the world the freedom to play their favourite games - including Tetris, Super Mario and Pokémon - no matter where they are.

  • CPU: Custom 8-Bit CMOS, 2.2Mhz clock speed
  • Memory: 64-Kbit static RAM
  • Graphics: STN type dot matrix LCD, 160 x 144 pixels, 4 shades of grey
  • Sound: 4-channel FM stereo, Output: Speaker (10mW), Headphones (2mW)

nintendo.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Nintendo Game Boy: 4918

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Game Boy folder
  4. Name preset file “color”.slangp; Cool-Blue_Alt.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_Game_Boy/Gameboy_DMG01_Alt-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "225.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.800000"
HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.150000"
HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"
HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

Preset Settings

| Cool Blue |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "225.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "148.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.800000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.150000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

| Deep Black |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "4.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.700000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "108.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "150.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

| Gorgeous Green |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "132.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "148.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.800000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.150000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

| Pink |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "335.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "180.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.800000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "60.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.780000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

| Radiant Red |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "180.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.800000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.150000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

| Traditional White |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.600000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.150000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

| Vibrant Yellow |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "45.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "32.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "180.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "2.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.150000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_TOP_GAMMA = "0.750000"

DMG-01 Gallery

DMG-01 Alternative Gallery

Duimon’s Game Boy Advance


  – In 2001, Nintendo delivered the next generation of portable entertainment into the hands of eager gamers. The Game Boy Advance gives you console-quality gaming in your pocket - and its bright, colourful and finger-intuitive design is still a classic.

  • CPU: 32-Bit ARM with embedded memory
  • Memory: 32 Kbyte + 96 Kbyte VRAM (in CPU), 256 Kbyte WRAM (external of CPU)
  • Screen: 2.9" TFT reflective screen, 240x160 resolution, 40.8mm x 61.2mm screen size, 32,768 possible colours, 511 simultaneous colours in character mode, 32,768 simultaneous colours in bitmap mode

nintendo.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Game Boy Advance: 4879

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Game Boy Advance folder
  4. Name preset file “color”.slangp; Orange.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_GBA/GBA-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "21.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.500000"

Preset Settings

| Arctic |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "49.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "42.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "60.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "182.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.500000"

| Black |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "49.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "42.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "213.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "4.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "4.000000"

| Gold |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "49.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "42.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "35.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "80.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "134.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.250000"

| Orange |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "49.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "42.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "21.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.500000"

| Platinum |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "49.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "42.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "33.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "7.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "124.000000"

| Tingle Tuner |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "49.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "42.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "115.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "50.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.500000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "50.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "125.000000"

      HSM_TOP_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_TOP_HUE = "50.000000"
      HSM_TOP_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "125.000000"


Duimon’s Game Boy Advance SP


  – The Game Boy Advance SP is an updated version of the original Game Boy Advance, announced and released in 2003, featuring a front-lit screen and a clamshell design similar to the Nintendo DS. It was later re-released in September 2005 with a brighter, back-lit screen.

  • CPU: 32-Bit ARM with embedded memory
  • Memory: 32 Kbyte + 96 Kbyte VRAM (in CPU), 256 Kbyte WRAM (external of CPU)
  • Screen: 2.9" TFT reflective screen with integrated screen light, 240x160 resolution, 40.8mm x 61.2mm screen size, 32,768 possible colours, 511 simultaneous colours in character mode, 32,768 simultaneous colours in bitmap mode.

nintendo.fandom.com, 2024
nintendo.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Game Boy Advance SP: 4920

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Game Boy Advance SP folder
  4. Name preset file “color”.slangp; Silver.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_GBA_SP/GBA_SP-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp"
HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

Preset Settings

| Black |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "10.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.750000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Blue |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "230.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Gold |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "34.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "194.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Green |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "124.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "135.000000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Orange |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "12.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "160.000000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Pink |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "180.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "160.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.400000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Purple |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "258.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "190.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"

| Silver |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "34.000000"

    [Position Offset]
      HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "216.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "70.000000"

    [LCD Grid]
      LCD_GAIN = "1.250000"


Duimon’s Game Boy Color


  – Game Boy Color is part of the range of portable powerhouses that revolutionized the way the world plays games. Over thirteen years, Game Boy has become the planet’s most loved handheld with over 100 million units sold. Game Boy Color brings a ravishing rainbow of over 32,000 possible colors to the bright 44 x 39mm screen, along with twice the processing power of its monochrome sibling.

  • CPU: 8-bit Z80
  • Memory: 32 Kbyte + 96 Kbyte VRAM (in CPU), 256 Kbyte WRAM (external of CPU)
  • Screen: Sharp colour LCD screen, 44 x 39mm size, 160x140 resolution, 32,768 possible colours, 56 simultaneous colours

nintendo.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Game Boy Color: 4918

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Game Boy Color folder
  4. Name preset file “color”.slangp; Grape.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_Game_Boy_Color/GBC-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "249.000000"

Preset Settings

| Berry |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "48.370000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "352.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "180.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "180.000000"

| Dandelion |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "48.370000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "46.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.350000"

| Grape |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "48.370000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "249.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Kiwi |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "48.370000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "104.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.350000"

| Teal |

    [Non-Integer Scale]
      HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE = "48.370000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "188.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

Berry Gallery

Dandelion Gallery

Grape Gallery

Kiwi Gallery

Teal Gallery

Duimon’s Game Park GP32


  – Originally released on November 23, 2001, the GamePark 32 is a Korean handheld console developed by GamePark. Instead of using a proprietary form of media to play games, the GamePark 32 uses SmartMedia cards, which makes the console very accessible from a development standpoint. Additionally, the console has a USB (Universal Serial Bus) port for external peripherals, such as a keyboard.

  • CPU : Samsung S3C2400X01 (ARM920T core), 20 (and under) to 133 MHz
  • ROM : 512KB
  • Sound : 44.1kHz 16-bit stereo sound, four channels, 16 part polyphonic software MIDI
  • Storage : SmartMedia 2-128MB 3.3.v

giantbomb.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Game Park GP32: 3095

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Game Park – GP32 folder
  4. Name preset file “color”.slangp; Peppermint.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Gamepark_GP32/GP32-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp"
HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "2.000000"
HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "2.000000"
HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

Preset Settings

| Bomb Pop |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "85.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "231.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "2.000000"

| Cherry |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "358.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "172.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "110.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.800000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

| Grape |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "322.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "134.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "55.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.650000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

| Mint |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "6.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "33.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "21.200000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "128.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "180.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "80.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.500000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "7.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "170.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "42.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.750000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "7.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "170.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "42.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "0.750000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

| Orange |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "30.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "174.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.600000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

| Orange Dream |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "18.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "120.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "2.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "2.000000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

| Peppermint |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "94.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "2.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "2.000000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"

| Strawberries + Cream |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "85.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "350.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "150.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.000000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "2.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_GAMMA = "2.000000"

      HSM_TOP_BRIGHTNESS = "15.000000"


1 Like

Duimon’s JAKKS Plug n Play


– When connected to a television set via RCA connector cables, the user is able to play a pre-defined selection of video games. Some models are collections of ports of games by companies such as Atari and Namco, while others are collections of original games. Some versions facilitate the addition of games, via proprietary GameKey expansion cards, and/or include wireless features.

en.wikipedia.org, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

JAKKS Plug n Play: 2489

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into JAKKS – Plug n Play folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Purple-[Bezel].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/JAKKS_Plug-n-Play/Jakks-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "268.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "38.000000"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Purple |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "268.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "86.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "38.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "219.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "86.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "48.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "219.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "86.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "38.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

Purple Gallery

Duimon’s LowRes NX


  – Imagine LowRes NX as a handheld game console with a d-pad, two action buttons and a little rubber keyboard below a slidable touchscreen. LowRes NX was inspired by real 8- and 16-bit systems and simulates chips for graphics, sound and I/O, which actually work like classic hardware. It supports hardware sprites as well as hardware parallax scrolling, and even offers vertical blank and raster interrupts to create authentic retro effects.

  • Cartridge ROM: 32 KB for gfx, music, any binary data
  • Code: BASIC, max 16384 tokens
  • Screen: 160x128 pixels, 60 Hz
  • Backgrounds: Two layers, tile-based, scrollable
  • Sprites: 64, max 32x32 pixels
  • Colors: 8 dynamic 6-bit palettes with 4 colors each
  • Sound: 4 voices, saw/tri/pulse/noise, pulse width, volume, ADSR, LFO
  • Input: Two game controllers with d-pad and two buttons + pause
  • Optional input: Keyboard and touchscreen/mouse

lowresnx.inutilis.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

LowRes NX: 1046

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into LowRes NX folder
  4. Name preset file “color”.slangp; Orange.slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/LowRes_NX/LowResNX-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "20.000000"

Preset Settings

| Black |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "4.000000"

| Blue |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "239.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "109.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Green |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "109.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "122.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Orange |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "20.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "140.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"

| Pink |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "330.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "65.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"

| Purple |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "270.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "120.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"

| Red |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "3.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "113.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "130.000000"

| White |

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "2.500000"


Duimon’s Mattel Intellivsion


– At the end of 1979, Mattel Electronics (a division of Mattel Toys) released a video game system known as Intellivision along with 12 video game cartridges. Poised as a competitor to the then king of the hill Atari 2600, Mattel Electronics called their new product “Intelligent Television”, stemming largely from their marketing plans to release a compatible computer keyboard for their video games console. Mattel’s marketing was anything but intelligent and almost destroyed the company by 1984. In one sense the system was very successful, with over 3 million units sold and 125 games released before the system was discontinued by INTV Corp. in 1990.

  • CPU: GI 16 bit microprocessor
  • Memory: 7K internal ROM, RAM and I/O structures, remaining 64k address space for external programs.
  • Controls: 12 button numeric key pad, four action keys, and 16 direction disc
  • Sound: Sound generator capable of 3 part harmony with programmable ASDR envelopes.
  • Color: 16 colors
  • Resolution: 192v x 160h pixels

intellivision.us, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Mattel Intellivision: 334

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Mattel – Intellivision folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Gold-[Custom-Bezel_002].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Mattel_Intellivision/Intellivision-[STD]-[Guest]-[Custom-Bezel_002].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "47.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "73.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "358.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"
HSM_DECAL_HUE = "358.000000"
HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"
HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "24.000000"
DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Gold |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "47.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "27.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "73.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "47.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "27.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "83.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "47.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "27.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "73.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "24.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "14.000000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel and Cabinet Glass (Decal)
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

*LED (Device) = LED is settings used and () is Layer used

Gold Gallery

Duimon’s Nintendo 3DS


– The Nintendo 3DS is a foldable handheld game console produced by Nintendo. The system features backward compatibility with Nintendo DS video games. The most prominent feature of the 3DS is its ability to display stereoscopic 3D images without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. Other features of the 3DS include its StreetPass and SpotPass tag modes that are powered by Nintendo Network, augmented reality capabilities using its 3D cameras, and Virtual Console, which provides a method for users to download and play video games originally released for older video game systems.

  • CPU: Dual-core ARM11 MPCore @ 268 MHz
  • Memory: 128 MB FCRAM, 6 MB VRAM
  • Top Screen: 3.5" parallax barrier LCD screen with 800x240 resolution. 3D capability.
  • Bottom Screen: 3" LCD screen with 320x240 resolution. Resistive touch capability.
  • Cameras: One inner, two outer (0.3 megapixels)
  • Storage: 2 GB Toshiba eMMC
  • Sensors: Motion and gyro

en.wikipedia.com, 2024
giantbomb.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Nintendo 3DS: 3976

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Nintendo 3DS folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“orientation”].slangp;Red-[Vertical].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_3DS/3DS_Vertical-[STD]-[LCD-GRID]-[Integer].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "4.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "22.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "1.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.200000"
HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_DECAL_HUE = "1.000000"
HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.100000"

Preset Settings

| Black |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "8.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "20.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.000000"

| Blue |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "207.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "77.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "22.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "220.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.200000"

      HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "220.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.100000"
      HSM_DECAL_BLEND_MODE = "2.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

| Green |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "87.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "77.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "22.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "1000.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.200000"

      HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.100000"
      HSM_DECAL_BLEND_MODE = "2.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

| Orange |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "38.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "36.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "10.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.800000"

      HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "10.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.800000"
      HSM_DECAL_BLEND_MODE = "2.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

| Purple |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "269.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "77.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "22.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "255.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.200000"

      HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "255.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.100000"
      HSM_DECAL_BLEND_MODE = "2.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

| Red |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "4.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "77.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "22.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.200000"

      HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "1.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "198.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "1.100000"
      HSM_DECAL_BLEND_MODE = "2.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SOURCE_MATTE_TYPE = "1.000000"

Black Gallery

Blue Gallery

Green Gallery

Orange Gallery

Purple Gallery

Red Gallery

Duimon’s Nintendo DS


– The Nintendo DS is a 32-bit foldable handheld game console produced by Nintendo, released globally across 2004 and 2005. The DS, an initialism for “Developers’ System” or “Dual Screen”, introduced distinctive new features to handheld games: two LCD screens working in tandem (the bottom one being a touchscreen), a built-in microphone and support for wireless connectivity. Both screens are encompassed within a clamshell design similar to the Game Boy Advance SP. The Nintendo DS also features the ability for multiple DS consoles to directly interact with each other over Wi-Fi within a short range without the need to connect to an existing wireless network.

  • CPU: One ARM9 and one ARM7
  • Memory: 128 MB FCRAM, 6 MB VRAM
  • Top Screen: Back lit, 7.62 cm diagonal, half transparent TFT LCD screen with a resolution of 256 x 192 pixels and 0.24 mm dot distance.
  • Bottom Screen: Back lit, 7.62 cm diagonal, transparent analogue Touch Screen with a resolution of 256 x 192 pixels and 0.24 mm dot distance.
  • Input/Output: Slot for Nintendo DS Game Cards and slot for Game Boy Advance Game Paks. Input for stereo headphones, external microphone and Nintendo DS power adapter/Game Boy Advance SP headphone adapter.

en.wikipedia.com, 2024
nintendo.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Nintendo DS: 3976

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Nintendo DS folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“orientation”].slangp;Blue-[Horizontal].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_NDS/NDS-[STD]-[Guest].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "202.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "26.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "220.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.100000"

Preset Settings

| Black |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "6.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "20.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.900000"

      HSM_DECAL_OPACITY = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE  = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION  = "100.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS  = "40.000000"

| Blue |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "202.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "26.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "220.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "140.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.100000"

| Burgundy |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "58.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "22.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "185.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "165.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.000000"

| Green |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "120.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "35.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "120.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "170.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "1.300000"

| Pink |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "320.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "48.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "350.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "150.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "2.000000"

| Red |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "1.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "48.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "150.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "2.000000"

| Yellow |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "56.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "100.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "65.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "40.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "200.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "3.000000"

    [Cabinet Glass]

Black Gallery

Blue Gallery

Burgundy Gallery

Green Gallery

Pink Gallery

Red Gallery

Yellow Gallery

Duimon’s Nintendo Entertainment System


– What started life as the Famicom (Family Computer) in Japan went on to become the machine that saved the videogame industry. After a major games slump in the west, The Nintendo Entertainment System defied pundits and sold in millions. Gamers scrambled to see and play classics like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Excitebike, all of which were leaps and bounds ahead of other home systems’ games.

  • CPU: Ricoh 2A03 8-bit processor @ 1.79 MHz (NTSC) / 1.66 MHz (PAL)
  • Memory: 2K work RAM, 2K video RAM, 256 bytes sprite RAM
  • Graphics: PPU (Ricoh 2C02)
  • Sound: APU 5 channels: 2 pulse wave, triangle wave, white noise, DPCM

nintendo.com, 2024
en.wikipedia.org, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Nintendo Entertainment System: 58

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – Nintendo Entertainment System folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Gray-[Custom-Bezel_001].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_NES/NES-[STD]-[Guest]-[Custom-Bezel_001].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "75.800000"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

Preset Settings

| Gray |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "75.800000"

      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "86.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "76.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "0.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "200.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "90.000000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel and Cabinet Glass (Decal)
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All

*LED (Device) = LED is settings used and () is Layer used

Gray Gallery

Gray Alternative Gallery

Duimon’s Nintendo PlayStation Prototype


– The Nintendo PlayStation is a home video game console prototype, developed by Nintendo and Sony. It was intended to act as a hybrid console, compatible with Nintendo’s Super Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges as well as Sony’s CD-based Super Disc form.

nintendo.fandom.com, 2024

Graphic Topic Timeline

Nintendo PlayStation Prototype: 3471

Preset Example


  1. Add Duimon-Custom-Color folder to Mega_Bezel_Packs folder, if not already
  2. Choose Duimon Graphic preset as reference and add desired settings to .slangp file
  3. Save and place preset into Nintendo – PlayStation Prototype folder
  4. Name preset file “color”-[“style”].slangp;Brown-[TM20].slangp
#reference "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_Playstation_Prototype/Nintendo_PS-[STD]-[Guest]-[TM20].slangp"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "35.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "78.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "346.000000"
HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"
DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Images

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Bezel2.png"
  DecalImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/_Common/Dual_Bezel_Frame2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/PVM20_Bezel2.png"

  DeviceImage = "../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Graphics/PVM/TM20_Bezel2.png"

Preset Settings

| Brown |

      HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "35.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_SATURATION = "6.000000"
      HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "78.000000"

      HSM_DEVICE_COLORIZE_ON = "0.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_HUE = "346.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_SATURATION = "6.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS = "88.000000"
      HSM_DEVICE_GAMMA = "0.450000"

      HSM_DECAL_COLORIZE_ON = "0.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_HUE = "346.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_SATURATION = "6.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_BRIGHTNESS = "78.000000"
      HSM_DECAL_GAMMA = "0.450000"

    [Cabinet Glass]
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_COLORIZE_ON = "1.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_HUE = "33.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_SATURATION = "118.000000"
      HSM_CAB_GLASS_BRIGHTNESS = "64.000000"

Preset Settings Key

[Bezel]: Bezel and Cabinet Glass (Decal)
[Custom-Bezel_001]: Bezel
[Custom-Bezel_002]: All
[PVM20]: Device
[TM20]: Bezel and Device

*LED (Device) = LED is settings used and () is Layer used

Brown Gallery