won’t let me create a post?
I can’t create a post either. I find it discouraging as a newer user to Retroarch to come here to ask a question only to find out that posting is not allowed. I’m sorry for being direct, but HOW STUPID. That is the whole point of a forum. You don’t have to treat new users like little children - most people by now have used a forum of some sort. As for spam - it’s just part of running a forum… instead of blocking people for 10 minutes or however many posts how bout forcing a captcha for 10 minutes or a minimum number of posts… at least people can ask a question for goodness sake! I digress…
I’m having an issue where Retroarch is not properly writing out the controller profiles. I completely removed everything under Autoconfig and intentionally created a new profile with an XBox 360 controller and defined all the buttons under settings/input/retropad binds/port 1 and then told it to save. The file it created only had a few entries in it, but not everything I defined. It had axis’ and one or two buttons.
Tried it with my cabinet that has two U360 controllers (while I had those unplugged for the above test) and they didn’t save anything but the header with the VID/PID - no buttons or no directions.
can’t create new topic too
why is that???
So I have to necro old threads to make a topic?
Hi, sorry to hijack this topic, but how can I start my own topic? I must be an idiot for not seeing any new topic button…
I enjoy this policy but when I need some help and got nowhere else to go when it comes to troubleshooting retroarch… having to post on other threads might not be the most intuitive thing to do. Still if it keeps the bots and spam away then I guess it’s there for a reason.
Having a problem with virtual pool 64 using the parallel_n64_libretro core.
It started after i had to go and reset the driver from vulcan back to gl becasue retroarch started quitting when loading this core, which had been working nicely, And to try and rule out a few things i have used other releases of retroarch for testing and all of them have the same graphical problem with this one game, where before it looked normal???
![Screenshot 2024-10-05 194931|690x492]Have you tried it in mupen64plus-next core instead? it’s generally more accurate than paraLLEl-N64 (the core, not the plugin; mupen64plus-next includes the ParaLLEl-RDP and -RSP plugins, too).
Yeah i have just switched to that, along with it’s scratchy audio which is terrible anytime the games menu is opened and the reason why i was using parallel n64, for the time being.
I would prefer to find the solution to my real problem though, as when parallel 64 was working with virtual pool 64, it ran really good.
Well, the root of your problem is that you switched away from vulkan, which utilizes the highly-accurate ParaLLEl-RDP to OpenGL, which uses extremely old and inaccurate (but also very fast) Glide64 RDP plugin.
If you use mupen64plus-next with the “gl” driver, it uses the better-than-Glide64-but-still-inaccurate GLideN64 plugin.
You’ll have to find some combination of core and RDP/RSP plugins/settings that runs acceptably on your system while still maintaining enough accuracy to run the game(s) without noticeable bugs.
if your system can handle it, mupen64plus-next with the vulkan video driver and ParaLLEl-RDP and -RSP is your best bet for accuracy plus performance.
Thank you
So i loaded the game with mupen63plus next, changed the driver to vulcan, set the rdp and rsp to parallel, saved a new core overide and restarted mupen …crash
Tried the same and instead i restarted retro arch then loaded the game…" failed to load content" popped up. Now i can’t load anything with that core lol
Here’s my specs windows 10 pro core i5 8500 @ 3ghz 32 gig ram gtx 1060 3gb
I managed to reset my config back to a previous setting but for some reason i now have screen shake happening??
screen shake could indicate that the game is interlaced, and the shaking is a thing known as “bob” deinterlacing.
To jump in a second, I would recommend Mupen64Plus-Next with RDP Angrylion, CPU Core Dynarec, RSP Plugin ParaLLEI. There is no shaking but some balls are missing color until the camera is moved at break.
Also after a restart of the LG TV i get another Error in webOS Brew:
Hope someone can Help me with this to fix it.
New here and cannot make a Topic so i hope someone could help me with this.
Getting a Error when trying to install RetroArch in webOS Brew:
It says “unable to get local issuer certificate”Having a LG OLED65C97LA with Firmware version 05.40.61 Used dejavuln-autoroot-0.0.8 to install the webOS Brew.
I need to make a thread myself to report a fix to certain games using a parameter in Swanstation.
You really shouldn’t outright hide the “new topic” button by the way. It makes your website look broken. It would be much more clear if the button was there for all users but new users were given a notice upon clicking it that they aren’t allowed to make new topics for whatever reason.
same issue I have a retroarch question and cant post anything. I get it for spam reason but this is the first forum where you cant post a dang thing