How can i create a new topic? :/

Google dthis just to find the answer

Googled this to find the answer when all I wanted to ask was if can install pi-hole on their forums…

Now I have to wait and hit my head against the wall since I can’t get a simple yes or no

It’s very difficult to install separate packages on Lakka because it’s designed to be a turnkey gaming console, not a general-purpose linux.

Hijacking this thread because I desperately need to know the correct CLI syntax for getting CD-i (via MAME) to work, as it does without RA. Crashes from the GUI. Just want to see what kind of crash I get from CLI.

I forgot to mention that the CD-i game runs fine without RetroArch, using the following syntax:

mame64 cdimono1 -cdrm hotmario

Literally all I’m after is the syntax RetroArch is looking for. Obviously if it’s crashing from the GUI then there is a more fundamental flaw but I’ll get to that when I’ve sorted out these undocumented features.

I believe this thread covers it:

Just replace odyssey2 with cdimono and cart with cdrm.

Thank you. That sorted it out and I got the thing loading from the command line just fine. (Unlike the GUI.)

A new wrinkle, though. When I run the game without RetroArch (using the command line I specified above), everything works fine. The CD-i game brings up a menu where I have to click a play button, whereupon the game begins. But when I run the game with the RetroArch command, the (emulated) mouse does not respond to my actual mouse. Instead, the mouse pointer is slowly drifting to the lower-right, like it’s receiving bad input. Moving the mouse has no effect. Clicking a button has no effect. When I go into MAME’s tab menu, I cannot change the mouse controls because MAME ignores my mouse input utterly. Obviously something is screwy here. Perhaps some unintended flaw with the MAME core that seemingly doesn’t affect the real MAME? Or maybe something I can tweak in a config?

I’m just trying to get some help, apparently I need to make posts so I can post a new topic to get help.

This is one of those, please ignore.

If a moderator can see this, please allow me to make a new topic so I can attempt to get help. Please.

All you have to do to be able to make new posts is be logged in for 10 minutes browsing the forum. It should take about that long for you to use the search function and see if anyone else has already posted your issue.

Great, was looking for exactly this. Thanks!

i have a specific problem also, 4 more posts to go

ya i need to figure out a way to also

i think you have to post 5 times

Is it possible to boot from USB on the pi 3?

1 Like

Is this applicable to lakka?

Yes, those instructions are related to Raspberry Pi hardware not the OS.

I can’t post either, lol, just here

It would be great if the “Greetings!” message that gets automatically sent to new users by “discobot” and/or the FAQ page could include some basic information like this about how to use the forum. Like others here, I couldn’t figure it out and had to use a Google search to eventually find this thread. I also noted that the Greetings message said that there were humans here to help, so I was going to try messaging an admin to ask how to post, but could not find any way to do that either. It really does leave new users feeling lost and confused, with nowhere to turn. I’m sure a lot of people would give up before going to the amount of effort I just did to figure out what was going on.

As for it popping up after 10 minutes of “searching for your problem and reading search results”, that seems reasonable, but in my case, like I’m sure many people, I spent far more than 10 minutes searching for my problem and reading search results, but I was doing so anonymously, i.e. before creating an account. After not being able to find any solutions, I created an account, only to find there was no way to post a question, and nothing I could find explaining why.

In fairness, this really is some very unintuitive and difficult to use forum software. I’ve had a long career in IT/networking/software development, so this isn’t my first rodeo, it’s not that I’m a noob who doesn’t know how to use an online forum. :slight_smile: I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, it’s not that at all; as you said, this is provided free by volunteers and I certainly appreciate that. Thank you for all that you do! That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a good idea to use something more user-friendly for a support forum though.