How do I install Atari800 core on Android?

I’m trying to set up Atari 400, 800, and 5200 emulation, but I heard it’s very glitchy on MESS. Can someone please tell me how to install the Atari800 core and other custom cores?

I would love to see this core for my Shield TV too, because the 800XL was my first computer. There is a target for the platform Android in the cores makefile, but I can’t compile it.

What goes wrong when you attempt to compile it? I could probably ask around to see why it failed.

My build environment for Android seems not to be correct. I can only compile for Unix and the Nintendo targets. But I hope, we can see an official nightly from libretro soon :slight_smile:

I would also love to see atari 800 in official builds, especially given there is such a nice blog entry about this.

Alright, I have managed to patch, build and install Atari 800 core on my NVIDIA Shield Android TV. For installation I used “local Retroarch Online updater”, long recipe is here, short is below:

  1. Put into new folder.

  2. Create .index-extended in same folder with single line:

    2017-09-30 ea05ffc9
  3. Serve this folder, e.g. with Python command from your PC/Mac:

    sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
  4. Modify RetroArch config that lies somewhere on your Android device, e.g. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/retroarch.cfg

  5. Replace core_updater_buildbot_url with URL pointing to newly created server on your PC/Mac. NOTE: RetroArch does not like URLs with custom HTTP port, so better stick with port 80 and no port in URL, e.g.:

    core_updater_buildbot_url = ""
  6. Run RetroArch on Android, Load Core > Download Core, you should see single download for Atari 8-bit computer systems

  7. Load it, and remember placing the BIOS ROMs you can find at: into RetroArch system dir

  8. Load some games and enjoy!

NOTE: The core provided above was built for armeabi-v7a-neon from tschak:master with my 2 PRs applied:

If you need another ABI let me know :slight_smile: But I think the best would be just enable official atar800 Android builds since PRs above got merged into the master and Android core build now works fine.


I’ve been wondering why this core wasn’t available for Android and anxiously awaiting it. Thank you!

there are build issues for android atm, thats why its not in buildbot yet. not sure if there is someone is assigned to test for android build and such

/bin/sh: 1: arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: not found
Makefile:318: recipe for target 'libretro/libco/libco.o' failed


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It seems atari800 is being built for armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86 but not arm64-v8a - no idea why. Anyway I think that this should make it available for most of Android users. Hurray!

That’s strange, since I installed it from the core updater on my Shield tv yesterday.

Check the date that I posted this on.

I was answering Ono. My Shield TV is an arm64-v8adevice