How to configure menu buttons (ok, cancel)?


I am new to Lakka and it is awesome. But i can’t find how to change the “cancel” and the “ok” buttons.

I have already looked in “\Configfiles\retroarch\retroarch.cfg” and i only find “menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons”. “menu_ok” and “menu_cancel” seems deprecated. How can I configure menu keys ?

Thanks for your help

settings > input > menu swap ok/cancel buttons

Thx but I don’t want to swap the keys , I’d like to reassign them (for example press letter “a” on keyboard for cancel instead of default backspace or enter key).

There’s: menu_ok_btn = “” menu_cancel_btn = “”

Have i missed something ? When I press letter “a” or “b” nothing happend. Default keys are always active.

I added these 2 lines in “retroarch.cfg” menu_ok_btn = “a” menu_cancel_btn = “b”

yeah, those can only be assigned to gamepad buttons. Looks like the keyboard assignments are hardcoded to either z/x or backspace/enter.

Ah ok, thx for the info. I will disassemble my keyboard to bypass this.