How to install/setup Mame2014-Core?

yes the “” was missing from the sets i tried. had taken from the fullset and just copied to my “category sorted” one and it works like harm (for Mame2014 and Mame2016) :slight_smile:

all games i tried seems to be fine now.

thank you very much.

think the Category Sorter i used filter it out, will report it on the sorter-thread: Simple Arcade Multifilter - app for MAME and FB Alpha ROM sets

i think bios-related files(like qsound.bin is some sort of bios) is ignored by the sorter. anyways good that you have stuffs working now.

hello, the category sorter made a lot of mess to me too!! i followed the instruction and “CHECKED” copy bios files but NONE bios files was copied, i made a second try and i obitain same result plus another strange result, i filtered out all MECHANICAL machines, i did it TWO times (selecting the same things every time) i got two different results (different sizes and file numbers)!!! i think i will use the complete rom set :frowning:

Indeed there was a bug affecting Devices and Mechanicals in MAME 2014+. The latest compile of the arcade filter app changes the 'include BIOS" filter to be “BIOS, Device, and Mechanical.” Also some of the other options should be better described now.