How to properly enable widescreen on Parallel N64?

The option named “Aspect ratio hint (reinit)” does nothing.

I usually just go to Video>Aspect Ratio> 16:9

Nice idea… but Mario looks a little stretched…

I just flipped the ‘Aspect Ratio Hint’ to widescreen and checked some games that are confirmed to have native widescreen support… and no change.

What is this option meant to do exactly?

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I’ve tried using “widescreen” in Parallel’s core options, but what it’s really doing is just stretching all games I tested, the only core that actually work, most games will glitch, though is Mupen64Plus, with widescreen (ajusted), a few games worked perfectly without stretching even the HUD elements, other games were totally broken, some work partially but objects will clip on the sides, like Mario 64 and others.

Wave Race 64, for example works perfectly as far as I’ve tested, even HUD elements aren’t stretched and no garbage displayed in the sides, as well as Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion, Top Gear Overdrive.

I’d love to see Parallel with a widescreen hack, since it’s the best core for N64 as far as I tested.

Some pictures: