Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

@Duimon You may want to try guest-sm as well. That’s super fast


I did made presets (Guest-DrVenom, Guest-SM & Easymode) for reflection-only with the optimizations back in and I did some performance testing. Here are the results for Guest-Sm on an RTX 2060 at 4K

  • Standard Guest SM----------------730 fps
  • Mega Bezel Guest SM------------175 fps
  • Reflection Only ----------------------190 fps
  • Reflection Only 4:3 Rati0--------240 fps

So I think the short story is that running the reflection only at 4:3 is about a 40% faster than the Mega Bezel running at 16:9 aspect.

I should be able to release these soon along with the split screen, but I’ve got an unrelated bug to fix first.


One of the good news about these presets is that I didn’t have to take out the MDAPT, GTU or ScaleFX passes for this performance. Obviously if you turn on scalefx the performance will reduce, but I was able to keep it in there as an option.



Awesome quick work responding to this request my friend! Fearlessly generous as usual.

Will the TopLayerImage stuff still be in there? I’ve got an idea that may allow me to do night versions of these Overlay-Hybrid graphics, without affecting performance too much.

Edit: I’m thinking the optimizations had at least something to do with the TopLayerImage so that may be a no-go. :wink:

How about doing a preset for the lcd-grid also? (I’ve got several LCD graphics on my todo list. :slightly_smiling_face:)


The Mega Bezel is updated to V 2020-07-11


  • Removed Color Temperature and Saturation because there is a bug which is causing wacky colors, like a dark blue turning into bright magenta, I will bring this back later

  • Added Split-Screen Presets

    • Different treatments
      • 0 - None, Leave area in middle black (Actually the negative crop color)
      • 1 - Separate Bezels Each screen gets it’s own curvature and Bezel
      • 2 - “Reflect” in center area
      • 3 - Blend areas together
      • 4 - Blend areas together and Fade out in Middle
      • 5 - Mirrored center image, Fade into Middle
      • 6 - Mirrored center image
  • New Presets for lower power machines to be used with standard retroarch overlays

    • Guest-DrVenom
    • Guest-SM
    • Easymode
    • LCD
  • Auto aspect ratio

    • Fixed Catching Gameboy Aspect Ratio
    • Now all resolutions with height lower than 200 will use the PAR aspect ratio
  • Updated NewPixie to Hunterk’s changes

  • Presets will need to be updated (I think…)

  • Performance of Guest-Venom Preset on Nvidia RTX2060: * 3840x2160 - 160 fps

Still to Come:

  • Geom-Deluxe Version
  • Split screen with small second screen as small on right
  • Split screen fix center area between bezels with tilt
  • Fix garbage pixels in guest-sm
  • Fix issue with fake scanlines turning on/off trigger res
  • Implement Rolling scanlines & interference similar to Newpixie-Crt
  • Add some standard deconvergence which can be used with the rolling scanlines
  • Fix/Add Saturation and Color Temperature back in
  • Brightness balancing the presets so they are consistent, some are currently brighter than others
  • 3D Bezel Bottom Edge
  • Screen Scale Newpixie


  • I just realized that choosing par for everything under 200 is probably a bad idea, I think it will mess up the master system, so I think I will be revisiting this.

Caught me just in time :stuck_out_tongue:


Just to add my part to the updates! :blush:


@HyperspaceMadness Thank you so much for implementing this! Testing right now, you made my day :smiley:


@Duimon Thank you! Downloading as well :blush:


Very cool, great too see this awesome shader improving even though I found it near perfect for my tastes already.


Awesome update! I have a question regarding the future of the split-screen feature. Do you plan on integrating it into the shaders or leaving them as a separate preset? Or would that cause a big performance hit for those that do not need it.

The only reason I ask is that I love that I can now use one preset for everything due to the auto aspect ratio feature (best feature ever). It would be neat if there was a way of automatically enabling it when using dual-screen cores.

Of course this is just a very minor thing, I am not sure if anyone else cares about this.


I wish I could just add it to all presets, then I would avoid adding even more presets. But right now I was thinking to keep it separate because it’s a 25% performance hit even when the feature’s not being used, but that’s the only reason I’d keep it separate.

I agree this would be a very cool option, I think it might be possible by checking if the resolution matches the known dual screen setups, and we’d need a parameter to control this auto feature. So if we did it this way you would use the split screen preset with the auto split screen option on and it would only turn on when a known dual screen console resolution is found. In this situation maybe adding super on the end of the preset name instead of split screen would be better.

Adding extra parameters should stop being a barrier with the next release of retroarch which includes my fix which bumps up max parameters to 256, max passes to 64 & max textures to 16. When this is released I’ll start using the additional parameters and users will need to update their retroarch.

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I would like to share some screenshots of the hsm-mega-bezel-crt-guest-sm preset with the flycast core. Those games with 3d assets and low res 2d assets are a pain for crt shaders, but with the recents updates of HSM we can have some good results.

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Oooh I forgot all about the limit on shader passes. Yes I can definitely see that being an issue.

Thanks for humoring the idea, this shader is already awesome. I am hoping to upgrade to a 4k screen to fully take advantage of it. I’ve been stuck using the same monitor(zr30w) for 10 years :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah the 4k really helps kill most of the moire that is often seen with curvature. Royal also looks substantially better in 4k.

This is sort of off-topic. I have been eyeing one of the LG 4k OLED and I am wondering if you have any experience with how CRT shaders look on an OLED tv. I would imagine scanlines would look great with true blacks.

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@c9f5fdda06 (how do you pronounce that again? ) has an oled so he should be able to give us his opinion.

This is actually my long term plan to get the 48inch lg oled for a vertical setup.

Yeesss that is the one I am thinking of getting. My only concern is that it might be too big for a PC monitor (plus the price). I am hoping for a hefty discount towards the end of the year. If you do obtain one please share the results.


Thank you @HyperspaceMadness and @Duimon


I think if you were trying to use it as a desk monitor you would need to mount it a few feet from your face.

I have a 48" tv in our living room which I tried out as a vertical setup, and it is a little big for even that, the ideal for a vertical setup seems to be 43".

Here’s a snapshot, at the bottom is a keyboard in front of the tv.

The on the TV is one of ArsInvictus’ awesome overlays.

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Looks great! :smiley:

Fun game too, I had that one for the gameboy advance :slight_smile: