Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Is there any way can we fix the scanlines being uneven when a higher resolution image appears?

Plenty of games in Playstation and Saturn have higher resolution menus or games. PS1 bios also uses higher resolution. In all these instances the scanlines appear uneven. This is true for most CRT shaders but Geom seems to display them correctly. I think it’s something about interlacing, i’m not sure.

So in order for this shader to be used in all systems it needs something similar and maybe a composite filter for correct dithering blend. With these two options added, i thing we will finally have the “perfect” shader that fits all systems.

Also, i don’t think there is a way to automatically detect horizontal and vertical games and apply the desired effect? Having to individually apply the vertical version of the shader in all MAME vertical games individually seems like a huge task. Maybe there is a trick to do this via another way in RetroArch?

About the scanlines, with this shader chain I’m concentrating on the automatic scaling and the bezel reflection and generation being the best it can. I would also like to have a great flexible CRT shader in there that works in many circumstances, but this seems like it may be something that varies a lot based on taste. For the scanlines I’m not sure what I can do here other use a different CRT shader in the chain. I’ll have to take a look at these higher resolution situations and see if it is something that can be helped with the scaling code, or if it is really just the CRT shader.

Composite and de-dithering passes could be interesting to have in the middle of the chain as well, although they would need to have an On/Off parameter put in on them, since it’s not something always desired.

For Horizontal vs Vertical, this is a great idea. I don’t think there is anything in Retroarch to choose a different .slangp to load depending on the core resolution aspect ratio. What might be possible though would be to have the shader check the original resolution coming from the core, then auto switch scanlines & aspect ratio and the bezel used. I think this is a great idea, and I’ll try something out.


Yeah, any of these suggestions are just options, not something to be forced.

You could probably do the same as the interlacing check some shaders do, which is to assume anything >400 or so vertical lines must be TATE, though you’ll hit false positives on any interlaced content. That’s fairly easy to toggle out, though, and would only require core presets on the handful of consoles where interlacing was common (e.g., PS1/2, Saturn).

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Ok thanks, that’s a good idea. I was thinking maybe I could check the ratio of horizontal resolution over vertical to determine if it’s horizontal or vertical.

Do you know if it’s possible if any of the cores outputting interlaced have the option of outputting progressive scan instead?

That is one reason I continue to use the official MAME binary as it handles horizontal and vertical aspect ratios much better, you can have a horizontal and vertical ini file to target and customise visuals for each display output.

Yeah I wish we could have something like that in retroarch. I’ve gone almost 100% retroarch for mame because of the shader support.

Yeah just a shame the run ahead feature isnt supported by MAME :frowning:

Will you be using Guest.r new shader, CRT - Guest - SM ???

I haven’t played with the shader yet, I’m not sure how new it is, but I would probably wait before integrating a new shader until its been around for a little and changes have settled down.

This brings up the issue of creating other versions of people’s shaders where the only difference is the added scaling. This isn’t a great situation because this edited shader won’t get updated automatically when the master one does.

Ideally the actual shader in the repo would be updated to integrate the scaling, and the bezel reflection preset would just use the master shader.

Is there a way to disable or hide the scanlines completely? I don’t plan to use scanlines in high-res games but i would still like to use the reflection bezel with them.

There might be, this is the Guest Dr Venom shader, so you could look into that shader about how to reduce the scanlines, There is a readme in the guest folder explaining the settings you could take a look at.

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Latest Mega Bezel Reflection shader update is up!


  • Automatic switching to vertical aspect/scanlines based on content. Thanks @GemaH for the suggestion!
  • The default is to automatically switch both aspect ratio and scanline direction, but both are adjustable to specifically set aspect ratio or scanline direction
  • This causes a little bit of an issue of the reflection clipping bounds not matching exactly the vertical bezel, but I will fix this after I improve the mapping of the reflection all around the tube so we can get the reflection faded out nearer the edges. It is of course still possible to just copy the preset and change the reflection clipping values.

I downloaded the package in the first post and the guest folder is missing, did I miss it?

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You can just take the CRT folder in the pack and dump it into the Slang shaders CRT folder.

So copy the CRT folder in the pack, then go to the slang shaders folder in retroarch open it, then paste the CRT folder you copied, tell it yes you want to overwrite or w/e.

I imagine it’s not included to decrease file size, decrease confusion and having multiple copies of guests shader if people just want to add it with the rest of the retroarchs shaders.

Got it to work

Is there any way to change the position of the output? I have a PVM overlay and I thought it’d be cool to have a shader to match.


Might be able to to change in retroarchs video settings… Not really sure.

That would look pretty cool if you got it aligned right.

Completely unrelated, but have you made themes on the retropie forums?

Not yet but this seems like something that’s needed, so I’ll probably add it sometime soon.

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Yeah, seems like it may be needed, I kinda like image-adjustment for that stuff personally.

Yep, same Lilbud as the retropie forum

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I think I got it, I’m definitely going to make a better looking overlay as the current one isn’t really all that good. I can probably get a little nicer looking frame.