Looking at your info, I’m wondering if due to the final screen size/resolution being lower compared to standard Mega Bezel, because there’s more downsampling needed to reach that lower resolution, there might also be more downsampling blur being applied. I tried to walk a very fine line with those downsampling blur settings but they’re optimized for the standard HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader and also 4K screens so anything outside of that can potentially lead to issues like these.
Besides that, I’ve noticed in my testing that deconvergence noise looks very different at different resolutions. My current settings are very low where that is concerned but that was tested at 4K. At lower resolutions the noise particles tend to get larger and “noisier” at the same settings. That can also be contributing to a loss of detail and resolution and even more so in the screenshots. With that said my current settings are extremely subtle to the point where it hardly even matters in screenshots at 4K.