Hi @fuzzydunlops welcome to the forum!
Thanks! Yeah the number of parameters is a bit overwhelming, at some point I want to have UI which has at least sub groups for parameters so they are not all displayed at once.
Yeah they do don’t they 
If you have a really bright monitor you could try the Megatron presets. It’s possible to use them with Duimon’s presets by copying one of his presets and changing the reference line to point at one of the Megatron presets. These presets have been calibrated to the look of specific CRTs, so if you have a bright display these might be good options. If you have a regular brightness LCD then Guest’s shaders are a better bet, although they can be set to achieve very strong masks as well.
In terms of colors you can look for the Grade color correction in the parameter list which has color temperature and gamma settings. If you are using one of the presets based on Guest’s shader then the settings for masks are at the bottom of the list.
It can often be interesting to look at existing presets to see can also take a look at some of the community presets which might have looks you might like, in the Mega Bezel presets folder there is a community presets which has some from @BendBombBoom, @Nesguy, @sonkun and @Cyber. Cyber also has a set of presets here: https://forums.libretro.com/t/cyberlab-mega-bezel-death-to-pixels-shader-preset-pack
I think the most important thing is try not to rush yourself and have fun trying out everybody’s stuff and experimenting. And you are always welcome to ask questions there are many generous people around here interested in helping others on their shader adventures