You forgot to mention your hard drive type. Is it a mechanical one or an SSD? If mechanical, then 25 seconds is par for the course.
Also, why aren’t you using the Vulkan driver? It should work fine with that graphics card.
Performance can also vary considerably depending on the resolution you’re using.
You might have to reduce the mask strength to 0 and increase the Opposite Direction Scanline Res Multiplier ( HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = “100.000000”) to 200, 300 or whatever the maximum is.
Also set GSL Scanline Type to -1.
You can also try lowering the interlacing trigger resolution (HSM_INTERLACE_TRIGGER_RES = “600.000000”) to a low value like 100.
Then set Fake Scanline Opacity to 0 (HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_OPACITY = “0.000000”)