I was actually playing with the ntsc-adaptive last night. I’ll probably include a guest-venom preset with ntsc-adaptive included.
I also started playing more with the different de-dithering shaders and I’m getting better results from gdapt than cbod, so I’ll probably switch to this in the shader.
I may end up leaving extra passes in the preset but commented out so people can easily switch from GTU to ntsc-adaptive, or from gdapt to cbod by commenting the passes currently in use and uncommenting the other passes.
In general having a bunch of different versions is a challenge as it can become a mess. When I’m integrating stuff in trying to do it be putting it into the same chain with parameters to turn on/off.
At the same time swapping between different shaders with a parameter is not easy as it forces you to make a shader which combines both shaders.
So something like ntsc-adaptive vs GTU may end up having to be different presets.
A question for everyone, any thoughts on why people like ntsc-adaptive over GTU or vice versa?