Hyllian shaders and presets

Is there any plans for adding a “scanline cutoff” option? I mean automatically removing scanline gaps if the content’s vertical resolution reach a minimum value.

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I know scanline cutoff when a maximum vertical resolution is reached and then the scanlines are turned off. Is it what you mean? Anyway, I think it’s the same thing only seen from another perspective.

It wouldn’t be hard to implement, but how often you need such feature? Can you give an use case where it’s necessary?

Yes, yes. Just like that. What’s important is the limit value, beyond that value, there won’t be gaps anymore.

Usecase would be any game with a 448/480 vertical resolution. More common in 5th and 6th gens. Those games are usually interlaced and weren’t made to show scanline gaps. If you want a quick way to notice that, play any Dreamcast game and notice the white splash screen. Any shader which doesn’t automatically remove scanlines will have quite a few black lines all over the place. Whereas some shaders smartly detect the “higher” resolution content, like guest, easymode, and even gdv-mini or zfast-crt-composite (the last two have it hardcoded).

Things get even more complicated when a game switch resolutions multiple times during gameplay, like in some Saturn and PlayStation titles, making it impractical to manually adjust scanlines, unless the shader does so automatically.

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Ok, I get it. It’ll be available in the next release.


New release: hspack-24-02-19-r1

  • Added SCANLINES_CUTOFF parameter to crt-hyllian and variants.

New release: hspack-24-02-20-r1

  • Added a new composite preset (genesis-sharper) that uses an experimental version of sgenpt-mix. I figured out how to recover contrast from sgenpt-mix without popping stray pixels when mitigating false positive dithering pixels.
  • Added a slide param to set contrast recovering (in sgenpt-mix) so that you can choose the sweet spot.

Smooth false positive in action disguising stray pixels among correct ones, making a final sharp and organic image:

04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054626-240220-201133 001066-240220-200738 001066-240220-195535 001-240220-195246 0015-240220-194657 0015-240220-194606 0015-240220-194325 0015-240220-194202 0015-240220-194129 0015-240220-193754


Sharpened composite looks so damn sexy. I’m happy to see other people besides me strive for such a look. I’ll give this pack a spin soon thank you for continuing to work on sgenpt-mix.

Edit: @Hyllian so I tried it out and I gotta say that’s a sharp image you got there in that preset looks amazing. One thing I noticed though is this weird vertical transparent looking line that’s almost in the middle of the screen, you can see it in Sonic’s eye:

To be sure I tested another game, you can also see it on the woman character:


Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate!

As for the screen, that’s a very odd resolution you’re running. I couldn’t reproduce that line here, though. I tried using custom aspect ratio and stretching the screen on any directions, even using that resolution and nothing happened, which makes me think if it’s a driver issue or something. Did you change any parameter? Does it happen using integer resolutions too? What’s your gpu (I think someone commented about some GPUs behaving different using the same shaders)?

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Do you know why this might happen? The blue lines on the edges is what I am referring to. This is hspack-24-02-20-r1 and “1080p\aperture-grille\crt-royale\crt-royale.slangp” default with geometry - mode modified. This problem was noticed today and previously, as of a couple weeks ago, was not present.

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Oh, looks like I made a mistake changing wrap_mode in these presets.

Here’s the fix: hspack-24-02-21-r1

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Didn’t change a thing, I just loaded it up and started gaming with it. I tried it out on the ol Shield TV I think that uses the Tegra x1 gpu.

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Looks like a driver issue. Well, I couldn’t reproduce on my laptop using glcore or vulkan.

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Strange. Well that’s the only thing I noticed at least, it’s still sexy looking

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Could you try that on a note or PC and see if it happen?

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My pc is fried at the moment until I get a new one, I think I have a laptop laying around somewhere though. I’ll try it on that later

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New release: hspack-24-02-22-r1

  • Added composite-sharp presets to guest and royale folders;
  • Some more fixes to royale presets;

royale-composite-sharp screens:

04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192122 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192112 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192056 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192048

guest-composite-sharp screens:

04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192228 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192219 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192211 04-Sonic-The-Hedgehog-USA-Europe-240111-054641-240222-192203


Looks really nice! But guest-composite-sharp won’t load for me. All the other presets work

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Do you have a log? And does it happen with all presets?

I found an issue with the Hyllain composite 4k presents (all of them), they are broken because of naming change.

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Thanks, I’ll fix them in the next release.

These are looking really awesome @Hyllian!