Hyllian shaders and presets

That’s nice that you added two types of curvarture presets, it’s fun watching your pack expand more and more. Also about that issue I mentioned a few posts up, I got around to testing your pack on a laptop I had laying around and didn’t experience any issues at all. Maybe it was the Shield just acting funny, who knows.

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Looking real good, Hyllian. Too bad I can’t test them right now. Just two quick questions:

  1. Are the curvature presets just your regular shader + curvature or do they have some different code?
  2. Is crt-hyllian (default one) transitioning to become a heavier shader or just your more accurate presets are?

Again, thanks for your nice work!

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It’s the old 'n good torridgristle curvature code injected in the shaders. The curvature in guest’s and royale’s uses their own implementations.

Well, for me it’s running very fast. Did you notice any slowdowns?

Thanks for your answers. I didn’t notice any slowdown, I just asked out of curiosity, since the base crt-hyllian has gained more parameters. So far, your shader remains performatic on two different devices I have.

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New release: hspack-24-03-12-r1

  • Added Downsampling feature;
  • Added HiRes Scanlines to work along downsampling option;
  • Added a preset crt-hyllian-rgb-downsampling-5x for tests.

Some screens of downsampling + hires scanlines working on cores that have high internal resolution feature:

Dino-Crisis-2-USA-240312-140954 Dino-Crisis-2-USA-240312-140938 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240312-140746 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240312-140720 Retro-Arch-0124-100241-240312-140544


That last shot is pure sexiness. Loving your updates.

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I don’t get it, what’s the point of downsampling if the user wants to upscale via core options?


If you upscale using internal resolution, any 2D elements (sprites, text, etc) will look pixelized. So, to fix that, you try using a crt-shader without downsampling feature, and then you won’t get correct scanlines, they just disappear because the pixels are prescaled by internal resolution. The downsampling feature along hires scanlines is to get correct scanlines on 2D elements and let the 3D polygons in hires.


Ok, but only alongside the x axis, y is downsampled for 2d and 3d elements as well (?)


To tell you the truth. It’s not exactly a downscale in a general known sense. It’s a bunch of tricks to get correct scanlines on 2D elements while keeping the high resolution aspect of 3D ones.


Macumba voodoo is more appropriate if we want to use technical terms.

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New release: hspack-24-03-13-r1

  • Improved horizontal filtering on downsampling presets (you must delete old folder before installing this pack);
  • Fix LUT paths in guests presets (it was loading other luts);

One screen for comparison:


I see that the hyllian down sampling is 5x while the guest is 4x?

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You can change this option inside user params. It’s just an example. It’s configured for 4x, but you can change to whatever you like.

Ok, for some reason thought that it was because of a limitation.

New release: hspack-24-03-24-r2

  • Added some naked presets of downsampling-2x. 2D backgrounds and elements are filtered using any of these: bilinear, bicubic, jinc, spline16, lanczos3 or reverse-aa. For these to work it’s necessary to increase internal resolution by 2x.

High Res Detections is working well. There’s an user param to see the detection in blue color:

Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102957 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102934 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102846 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102831 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102459 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102449 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102401 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102350 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102135 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240317-102124


How do you do the detections?


I look for a pattern present only in low res pixels that were blown up: they’re in clusters of 4 of equal colors. So, what isn’t lowres, then… you know.

It won’t detect all high res portions of an object though, but the most important ones for filtering.

Sometimes it fails to detect when the game abuse of transparency effects and blend lowres 2D with highres 3D in the same spot.


New release: hspack-24-03-24-r2

  • Added presets for downsampling 3x and 4x (inside naked folder). It’s necessary to run a core with internal resolution increased.

Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-165231 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-165140 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172940 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172920 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172859 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172848 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172827 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172814 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172754 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172727 Resident-Evil-3-Nemesis-USA-240322-163014-240322-172655


Forgot to add a preset I was working too. I have experimented to use reverse-aa as a horizontal filter inside crt-hyllian and liked the results. It’s very good for pixel art so I named it crt-hyllian-pixel-art (inside 1080p->aperture-grille->hyllian). It’s very sharp visual that looks like a pvm. So I just added to the pack below:


10-Yard-Fight-240323-070022 10-Yard-Fight-240323-065818 10-Yard-Fight-240323-065634 10-Yard-Fight-240323-065205 10-Yard-Fight-240323-065105 10-Yard-Fight-240323-065023 10-Yard-Fight-240323-065009 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064948 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064934 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064801 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064744 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064652 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064557 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064530 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064512 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064503 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064456 10-Yard-Fight-240323-064427

It may look like a simple scanline shader, but when you put some high color palette game you can see its powerfull blending bringing some hidden details from the backgrounds:

005-220727-092516-240323-081608 005-220727-092516-240323-081327