I can´t run retroarch by linux (Ubuntu 21.10

yeah , but remember , I can´t access to retroarch… haha

Even if it doesn’t start it should create a log file.

Yeah I think the same think but there is not log

ok installed Linux Mint latest, used the command in your first post, and it just works by clicking the icon. Before doing anything i updated the system and installed Linux Nvidia 1060 drivers as the system prompted me to do so.


So… what I can do? I don´t understand

I think I found it , the log

I send the log , I think…

Looks like it’s having problems with wayland. Can you try running with X instead?

what is the X? I don´t know what is that , I’m sorry

I guess this


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so I have to access ubuntu standar?

I must to access ubuntu or ubuntu on xorg?

ubuntu on xorg, yes.

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Ok I gonna try , I gonna send a massage if work or not

Holy sh**t is work hahaha Finally!! Thanks Hunterk , DariusG and Gouchi so much!!


and sorry for all this

Good, so it was simple after all.

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Np, it seems to be some wayland/PPA issue. The snap apparently works (at least for some people) but I can’t really figure out why the PPA build doesn’t like wayland. It has all of the proper stuff enabled, AFAICT…