I can´t run retroarch by linux (Ubuntu 21.10

Any word on this? Trying to use PPA on Ubuntu 21.10 and just getting a whole lot of nothing. [both stable and testing] Rather not switch to Xorg.

$ retroarch -v
[INFO] [Config]: Loading default config.
[INFO] [Config]: Looking for config in: "/home/user/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] RetroArch 1.10.1 (Git 97c5c269a7)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
[INFO] CPU Model Name: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K
[INFO] Built: Mar  5 2022
[INFO] Version: 1.10.1
[INFO] Git: 97c5c269a7
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] [Input]: Found input driver: "x".
[INFO] [Core]: Version of libretro API: 1, Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 48000.00 Hz.
[INFO] [Video]: Set video size to: 960x720.
[INFO] [Wayland/GL]: Compositor doesn't support zwp_idle_inhibit_manager_v1 protocol
[INFO] [Wayland/GL]: Compositor doesn't support zxdg_decoration_manager_v1 protocol
[ERROR] [Wayland] [SHM]: Creating a buffer file for 0 B failed: Invalid argument
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The build in the ubuntu apt “works”, but is super old.


I already wrote what is probably going on. But use at your own risk.

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I already wrote what is probably going on.

I already read what you already wrote and I already wrote “Rather not switch to Xorg.” but you didn’t read that before replying?

Maybe you didn’t read the whole story then.

I believe he meant this:

but please keep it friendly. forums don’t work without courtesy and civility.

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Yeah and maybe the right place to ask for help is Ubuntu forums. I don’t think this issue is a RetroArch fault.

<Thank you for your advice but I don’t think it will be helpful> [PARAPHRASED FOR CIVILITY]

Moving on. I’ve provide information that may benefit other Ubuntu 21.10 users. If this is an issue because of RetroArch, Vulkan or Wayland is yet to be determined.

Sorry to edit your post like that, but I figured it was better than outright rejecting it. I’ll try to reboot into wayland and see if I can figure out what’s going on this evening.

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Actually you didn’t save the world, the info is already provided by the OP. This is called a “request”.

And when you request others to do the job, better say the magic word first (please?)

It looks like they’re ready to drop it, so you should drop it, too, please.

please is not be necessary to fight between us , we must keep our community safe and stable

I’m pretty sure of that error by wayland is fix it probably soon as we keep talk

we are humans and we make mistakes even the machine make it sometimes so…

Just a quick test I did on an Ubuntu virtual machine, if you run that command (XDG_RUNTIME_DIR) on a terminal it runs on that session from terminal without sudo, but still not from icon and after restart you have to execute the command again.

I spent some time in Wayland last night and, while the snap package ran just fine, neither the PPA nor a self-compiled build would. I didn’t get the same error on them, though. PPA gave me the 0 B context issue we see above while self-compiled gives an mmap error.

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It seems that this Wayland thing is a hack that is full of problems. Some hackers created it without any plan and major distributions adopted it for some reason.

heh, i wouldn’t go so far as that. It’s just the new, future-looking replacement for a system that’s stable and functional but antiquated (that is, X). It’s a huge endeavor and the necessarily piecemeal adoption that’s happened means that it’s perpetually in testing/beta.

Wayland’s been around for a number of years but it’s only now reaching a point of stability and functionality that more end-user-focused distros are either defaulting to it or making it so easy to switch to it that regular users are trying it, and that’s bringing a lot of previously ignorable issues to a head.

In the past, “just switch back to X” was a pretty normal way of dealing with things but that’s not as well-received these days, and I think that’s both reasonable and okay, and we’re just going to have to deal with it. :slight_smile:

Yeah but how can someone create something that breaks tons of software (not only RetroArch). Let’s say RetroArch tomorrow decides to introduce something that breaks all cores, shaders and then ask the developers to re-write lol.

Personally I never use Ubuntu, I hate that bar on the left and the UI in general. Everything just works in Mint. I don’t have to reinvent the wheel-fight with the OS :joy:

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18 posts were split to a new topic: Performance on Lakka with the same hardware

Ay, The snap works ([INFO] RetroArch 1.10.0 (Git b71be7efd2)), but neither PPA/AppImage from the download page, or self built would work.

"[ERROR] [Wayland] [SHM]". mmap failed: Invalid argument

This AppImage does load native on Ubuntu 21.1 (wayland) and it’s from AppImage does not start in version 1.10.1 ( https://github.com/hizzlekizzle/RetroArch-AppImage/releases/tag/Linux_LTS_Nightlies ([INFO] RetroArch 1.9.1 (Git 5ca666acee) and this one gives;

[INFO] [EGL] Found EGL client version >= 1.5, trying eglGetPlatformDisplay
[INFO] [EGL]: EGL version: 1.5

Also using the Libretro runner downloaded from Lutris loads too w/o problems. ([INFO] RetroArch 1.9.13 (Git fca72f67d1)


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