Latency settings , what should I use for my setup?

hi members , I am having trouble figuring out what Latency settings to use in RA Flycast core.

Simply I use a Brook Universal Fighting Board and my Arcade Monitor is just under 2ms (1.9ms)

Let me know what I should do

Which video driver are you using? If the default “gl”, set hard GPU sync to ON and the sync frames to 0. If Vulkan or d3d11, set the max swapchain images as low as it’ll let you.

If your monitor supports variable refresh rates, you can set “sync to exact content framerate” to ON and then set automatic frame delay to ON and a high frame delay value (say, 10-12), and that should be it for Flycast, since it can’t use runahead/preemptive frames effectively.


Thank you hunter for chiming in and the solution. Very much appreciated

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