Lemuroid Overlay Clone for RetroArch (20:9)

I love Lemuroid, however there are several deal breaker features (for me) that missing from it, which make me come back to RetroArch.

However, I really like the overlay that used by Lemuroid, so I decided to clone it for RetroArch. This overlay is designed for 20:9 screen, which is what my phone use, and apparently is the most popular aspect ratio right now.

This overlay is available for several platforms, each has both landscape and portrait mode:

  • PSX (with and without analog)
  • SNES
  • GBA
  • NES (which can also used for GB and GBC)

PSX with analog:




And here they are together in portrait mode:

The source is available in Github, and the overlay can be downloaded in its release page here.

For the recommended configuration, just set “Overlay Opacity” to 1.0 since it’s already a bit transparent.


New update: in landscape mode, now the “load state” and “save state” button are moved to the top to prevent accidental click.