Looking for a General Arcade Overlay for 1080p resolution

Hey Guys.

Do You know of a General Arcade Overlay I can add to RetroArch to give an Arcade look to all my Arcade/Console games?

I need one that looks good in 1080p with a 4x3 ratio aspect ratio in the middle for the games picture, I Just want the overlay. I already made a good looking shader for my games.

I have seen some really good overlays that makes the games look like if you are truly playing them on the actual arcade but they are game specific

I’m using one with live animations for when you press the buttons, it’s for the Super Nintendo but I would like to use one that looks like an actual Arcade Cabinet

I edited this Overlay Cabinet No Tilt from Duimon, but Duimon has everything in its Pack. In this one I edited and used the Cyber ​​shader. I made it for my collection, I like to separate the games by manufacturers.

Yes something like that but with more of General Emulation Arcade Cabinet theme. And these overlays seem to take a lot of the screen, the picture does not seem too small? I’ll be using it at 1080p on a 55" TV


For me it looks excellent, my tv is 55. watch in full tile on your tv.

These are for Mega Bezel?

I want something like this but I want to be able to use my own shader. I just need a preset for the Bezel without any shader effect

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If you want the reflection, you can’t use your own shader.

If you don’t care about the reflection, converting any Mega Bezel preset to a standard overlay is fairly easy.

I will be adding a guide to my repo tomorrow detailing the method.


Awesome looking forward to the instructions. I like the look of the bezels but I would prefer to use my own shader

Yeah this didn’t happen yet. (RL :wink:)

I will get to it ASAP.

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