Hello guys, is there an animated overlay for arcade games like the ones made for consoles by @fercho?
Would be great if someone creates both H/V versions with realistic buttons and sticks .
I tried once to create an “animated” stick but i couldnt. So i stick to consoles.
If you look up a guy called Nightvoice over at the MAMEWorld forums, I think he has a collection of .lay file style bezels with the moving steering wheels and so forth. Not sure if that is what you are wanting, but it’s worth a look.
Not really what I’m looking for, Boz1978 on YT made something interesting but with an XBOX controller, I’ll keep searching
This would be a massive undertaking, and possibly wouldn’t look as good as you’d hope for. 3D animation would be extremely difficult. The animation (if you wanna call it that) works by turning images off when a button is pressed.
Hey man it’s nice to see you around
@DerekMoore did a fantastic animated KI overlay, but since I’m playing on PC and the monitor isn’t that big I need the stick and the buttons to be on the sides so I profit of a maximum screen size.
I remember seeing that vid a while back yeah Derek did an awesome job!!