Looking for RetroArch 1.5.0.ipa or upload to repo

I’m looking for someone who has the RetroArch.ipa or .deb file.

The only thing available right now is the uncompressed .app file and I’m having difficulty compressing it correctly so it can be installed properly. I get errors through installing, and when I try to drag the .app folder into the Applications section, the app icon never shows up on the Springboard.

Can someone please share a working way to get the thing working…? :c

iOS 8.4 iPhone 5S

I just tested retroarch 1.5.0 for iOS 8 and t’s doesn’t want to install. They both don’t work stable and nightly. You need to install version 1.4.1. To do this: 1- download 1.4.1 stable unzip it and make it ipa file.(I explain it before). 2- Sign the ipa. This step very important to install the app. I only know cydia impactor(create new apple ID. optional). If you know how to sign app using different method then use it. The good thing iOS 8 doesn’t require cores to be code signed. 3- use filza, ifunbox, or ifile to copy the Retroarch.app to /applications/ beside retorach1.app. 4- delete Retroarch from home screen. 5- Respiring your device by installing (Reinstalling) activator. 6- you see Retroarch launch and download cores. done.

Hi MrSeven_X

I tried my usual method first, which is…

1: Download RetroArch 2: Put into Applications Folder via iFunBox 3: Install random tweak and Respring

And it worked.

So I guess you are correct and 1.5.0 isn’t happy with iOS 8.4.0 which is sad to hear… :c

I hope to see it become compatible with 8 soon!

Also I feel so silly. http://www.shoutpedia.com/use-cydia-impactor-install-ipa-apps-iphone-without-jailbreak/

Turns out Cydia Impactor doesn’t remove jailbreaks anymore, it was renamed to Cydia Eraser, and Cydia Impactor is now a MultiTool. ;d That is why I was afraid of downloading it.

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Never mind, crashes on launch. Going to do it your way. Also, turns out that if I sign the app, it only works for 7 days, is this true?

Blah… I think I give up. was so easy to install… just drag and drop, then respring, poof.

Why is all the newer versions so much harder to get? :'c

I wish there was an official instruction guide to install RetroArch…

I mean, especially being JailBroken with AFC2… it should just work, shouldn’t it? :c


Why isn’t there a copy of 1.5.0 in the Repository?

I fixed version 1.5.0 for iOS8 but it has two bugs. first bug doesn’t load configuration when start up the app. Second bug no sound on games. I signed version 1.4.1 then I cracked it. After that, I convert to Deb file. 1- Download Deb and use ifile to install it. 2- Respiring your device by installing (Reinstalling) activator. 3- launch Retroarch and use online updater to download cores. done.

Does it need signing every 7 days still, or will AppSync handle it?

Also thank you so much for this… I’m sorry I couldn’t figure it out myself. >xp

I’ve done so many stupid things to lose my break before.

Does it need signing every 7 days? No

Now RetroArch 1.5.0 fully working on iOS 6 - iOS 10. I used last RetroArch-Master on Xcode to create 1.5.0 version. 1- First of all, delete or move Retroarch folder from this directory (/var/mobile/Documents) 2- Download 1.5.0 Deb and use ifile to install it. 3- Respiring your device by installing (Reinstalling) activator. 4- To setup the cores (iOS8 and lower), using ifile create folder into (/var/mobile/Documents/RetroArch) and name it Core 5- On RetroArch app, tap on icon gear then go to Directory/Core (/var/mobile/Documents/RetroArch/Core) then 6- Use online updater to download cores for iOS 8 and lower.

iOS 9 and iOS 10 need to code sign the cores.

I signed cores and uploaded ready to use. So no need to sign them or use a pc.

Unzip it and drag and drop Core folder into (/var/mobile/Documents/RetroArch) On RetroArch app, tap on icon gear then go to Directory/Core (/var/mobile/Documents/RetroArch/Core) then It works on my iPhone 5s on iOS 10 and iPad 3 on iOS 8.4, both are jailbroken. I need feedback for testers

Gawd I’m lucky to be iOS 8 then…

Do you think in the future that signing will no longer be needed? :<

Thank you so much for this MrSeven_X. You’re unbelievable. <3

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When you say ‘Delete RetroArch Folder’ do you mean the .RetroArch ? If so, that’s where all my saves are. As well as what seems to be other important information… and if I am correct, those scph files look to be my PS1 bioses.

What am I supposed to do then?

Is it possible to merge the files?

Is there going to be a .RetroArch and RetroArch folder? (One with a fullstop and one without.)

Or are you telling me to move it away, because when I install 1.5.0 it would’ve deleted / overwritten it during the install?

You know it’d be really cool if LibRetro put a Discord page on the site. ;3

Or some other Instant Messaging addon somewhere.

I ment “RetroArch” and you don’t have it you only have “.RetroArch” so don’t worry about it. Just install the deb file using ifile.

Alright, PERFECT…

That’s the only file? Nothing else? I’ll backup my directory just in case actually… 1.5.0 doesn’t access anything from (dot)RectroArch does it?

Version 1.5.0 doesn’t access to “.Retroarch” folder at all. It will create it’s own folder called “RetroArch”. After that you can copy files from “.RetroArch” to “RetroArch”. .srm goes to saves folder, .state goes to state folder and bios goes to system folder.

Awesome… <3

I hope my Save Files will work with the new cores.

Uggh… I can’t believe this. Either iFunBox changed it’s UI or I’m just stupid.

I cannot remember how to drop the .IPA into the iPhone and queue it with Cydia. >xp

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Gawd… finally, I’ve got it running.

Lol I wrote the steps and took it back. Any way, I’m glad you got it working.

I’m sorry. xD

Looks like it all works. My only problems left is now figuring out where the equivalent of ‘Front End’ from is…

Need to find it so I can pair the program with BTStack, or is there an area in the directory where I can drop my previous FrontEnd Script to?

(Trying to link PS3 Remote)

There’s… no Nintendo64 Core? :<

Downlod n64 core for ios 8 http://www.mediafire.com/file/4t7jjgrwzaiotjj/ Unzip it, then drag it and drop into core folder. No front end on this version. Btstack works with controller for all tweak only. No multiple Ps3 controllers. Single iCard controller works. Up to 4 MFI controllers work.

That’s terrible. The biggest problem with ControllersForAll is when you click the Home Button on the controller, you get a prompt if you want to turn the controller off… instead of going to the RGUI. :'c

By the way, what’s the source of that N64 Core? I’d love to see where they’re all from so I can see the changelogs if there’s any since prepack. Especially for PCSX ReARMed.

Also need to figure how to stretch the screen so my whole iPhone’s display shows the game. >xp

… Mmmh, going to make a new thread for Core Support… I think 1.5.0. is truly becoming too difficult, especially now that CFA is involved…