LRPS2 / PCSX2 has trouble displaying PAL Games correctly w/o vulkan

Hello, the newer nightly versions of that core has very much improved but i found one “mayor” flaw, at least with my system.

i use lakka 5.x for x64 (latest stable and latest nightly) and the latest lrps2 core on buildbot, i tried all with these renders (GL,GLCORE, SOFTWARE).

the issue: if i play a PAL Games the upper portion of the screen is completly missing. i tried several european games, all has this issue.

For testing i used PAL Versions of LOTR Return of the king, Silent Hill 2 and Gods of War 1.

All NTSC Games i tried (f.e. Gradius V, Godzilla Save the Earth) work without this issue. seems only Pal games are affected but i dont know this for sure.

Under Vulkan the complete screen is displayed correctly on PAL Games but there are glitches in some games, these are not present with opengl rendering.

Maybe someone can look for it…

Thanks for your great work and merry christmas :smiley:

I tried Ridge Racer V PAL with GLCORE and I didn’t encounter any problems: upper portion of screen is ok:

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thank you for trying!!! What OS and Hardware and which version of the core you have used?

with older version from april '24 (under the old name: pcsx2) i hadn’t this problem.

Archlinux CPU AMD 5600G with integrated GPU retroarch 1.19.1 last version of LRPS2 updated yesterday (there is no number version)

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Maybe it Just me. I Set it too Vulkan, that not perfect for some Games but it runs without missing 1/4 of the Screen. In the end my i7700 and its igpu most likely will never be fast enough for Software Rendering or parallel. So it’s not that important to me. I Just wanted to let the Community know about my observation

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That core is very finicky. Tried enabling the Parallei shader with 4x grid. One game would work, the other would show black screen. At least standalone version works with the same settings.