LRPS2 performance question

First of all, congratulations for the improved LRPS2 core! I tried some comparisons between standalone PCSX2 and the new LRPS2 core with my 8 years old lenovo laptop using the Vulcan driver in both cases. With the standalone most games run perfectly at x3 resolution (1080p) at 60fps, with the libretro core the same games often stay between 30 and 50 fps at native resolution with noticeable slowdowns. Is this difference known and should be accepted or is there something I am missing?

is that using the vulkan gsdx renderer or the new ParaLLEl-GS renderer? My Intel integrated gfx can’t run ParaLLEl-GS full speed, but it can run the vulkan gsdx renderer >60 fps.

I tried the Core on my old PC but found it Crashed a lot or did not work.

Only Really Worked with Vulkan Driver but still crashes a Fair Bit

Tried on new PC made in last year or 2 and worked way better

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I’m using the vulkan gsdx renderer with a Nvidia Geforce 940MX. The new ParaLLEl-GS renderer is too demanding for my pc.