I also noticed a different setting, the rotate crt tube setting is at 0 while mine is automatically set to -1.
Are you looking at a setting in something included in my packaged up config or something else? Very confusing trying to follow you but I appreciate the feedback. Can you be more specific.
In the image you posted earlier with the settings Rotate CRT Tube is 0. When I loaded the preset the setting was 1.
When y ou have that game loaded via the multigame.slangp, and making sure these 3 are set to the following:
Orientation - Auto
Type - Auto
Explicit Aspect Ratio (Also auto ratio fallback) - 1.24 (1.243301 to be exact from .params file)
… if you toggle Rotate CRT Tube to 0, does it correct the issue?
It doesn’t. Mega Bezel automatically will set the value based on if the game needs to be rotated. If I change the settings to 0 it’s vertical sideways and -1 it’s upside down.
With the presets I did with the arcade set, Orientation is based on the orientation of the game just in case stuff like this happened. So every game is set to either Horizontal or Vertical.
I always like to seek out exactly why things behave differently on one device vs another. Even though every game in that collection loads OK on my end with the outlined settings discussed, I think I’ll just go that route and hard set it either for each main game.params or just add it to the main vertical _base.params. Unless setting it in the base potentially screws up some other individual games I’ve adjusted.
In your \RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\OrionsAngel_MagicHat_Arcade\CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-VERT
Add this line and save it then relaunch burger time. It should load properly correct?
// Aspect Ratio Orientation (2 = Vertical)
Yeah, it loads fine now. I can tell you messing around with so many games that there are some that are super stubborn on Orientation.
Putting the setting in _base.params doesn’t interfere with any of the other settings.
Yeah, there are a few others like this that default to horiz but you have to set them to vert so they look normal. I wish I could think of examples but there aren’t too many of them.
This makes sense now. I was only applying minimal settings needed when I was putting these together so ONLY things I changed after loading them with base settings were included. But in hindsight I agree with you 100% just hard set it to be sure “auto” type settings don’t mysteriously go wonky and read differently from one device to the next which will give different results on that alone.
I appreciate the feedback and the help! I’ll get these lines added to the _base files, get Final Fight images back where they belong and repackage this up later tonight.
@Schwenkman - In the meantime, you can add these lines to the vertical _base and horizontal _base until I re-release.
// Aspect Ratio Orientation (2 = Vertical)
// Aspect Ratio Orientation (1 = Horizontal)
How about scenarios where games on my end might have launched in the wrong orientation at first, then I adjusted a combo of these from that point on for a given game? Will these scenarios play into introducing some rework needed after putting HSM_ASPECT_RATIO_ORIENTATION = xx in?
I think I’ll just take one for the team and cycle through all of them after getting the setting in the base to be sure. If I do see any goofy changes, I can easily adjust and include the changes in the next update.
I think I’ll hold off on repackaging a new zip until I do this just to be sure.
Loading them individually is the way I do it to be certain. I also suggest when you are doing new overlays to change the bezel color to white to see any side that is short.
I found a blog post where somebody counted MAME games by resolution and orientation from MAME’s game info xml. From the list there are 76 vertical games that have a 1:1 aspect ratio, 16 for 256x256 and 60 for 240x240.
Great tip. After adjusting hundreds so far, I can see that being very beneficial vs looking for that tiny grey line of the edge when doing adjustments when they get close to the edge. Thanks! I’ll find out what that option is called in text form and can just toggle it on/off in the main _base.params in one spot for all.
I use bezel brightness… just crank it up all the way and you can always see it.
Drybonz is right, it’s just setting HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = “100.000000”
Good article as well. The native aspect ratio vs veering off that and making a custom one is a pretty good topic of discussion in general. If you’re launching a game with plane jane interface and no customized overlay in play, going with the 100% native ratio gives it the most true depiction of the game in it’s original form. But we know things get complicated once you start adding custom images to the interface. If the given custom art design for the image wasn’t created specifically to have a 100% true match with the aspect in mind, you’re left with a decision to make when customizing it.
- Do you keep the game in the exact native ratio and then fine tune other factors like bezel thickness on the top and bottom? Going this route will result in different thickness for the bezels on the sides and or top and can result in “odd” or “off” looking/sized bezels around the game.
- Do you do the opposite and let the specific image drive what the ultimate ratio ends up being and decide on a standard sized bezel thickness for top and bottom while also contracting/expanding the game to the point where the exact bezel thickness decided, touches the edge of the art.
I admit when I jumped into this emulation MAME community with no background and ended up where I am now, I really never questioned this up front and pretty much just gravitated to using the custom aspect ratio method (#2). I’m sure the real die hards out there would argue #1 looks better to them because they want the most true look to the actual game portion and might notice things look a tad stretched or squeezed depending on certain games. I’ll admit on my side of this, I came into this fresh with very limited time actually playing MAME games via emulation on plain jane interfaces with no overlays present. So I’m not one that has a ton of gaming hours under my belt or use to seeing specific games in their true native ratio. But others out there might. So to them it might not be the best approach to their liking. To those like me, you don’t really have that look “imprinted in your head” to compare to so this custom ratio approach looks great and not even thought about.
Honestly, this topic is a great one that should be geared toward the artists out there who make the initial overlay images. I do remember someone in this forum in another thread at one point mentioned to use a custom templat sized image preformed with the various aspect ratios baked into it and then insert that into the actual photo editor program being used to make these images. That would be the truly formed native aspect ratio template used to help you cut out where you need in the cabinet. But I no absolutely nothing on that process of creating them so it’s probably “easier said than done” based on many factors of where graphics and the initial cabinet pic is coming from.
Long book sorry! haha Good topic though thanks for chiming in.
When I started I did method number 2 but changed to method number 1. The Aspect Ratio Type is always set to auto without change to the Explicit Ratio and the Orientation set based on the graphic. I also change the Bezel Outer Radius based on the graphics.
Vs method #1 custom ratio / consistant sized bezel.
they both look great! You do get a little more “playing area” with the custom ratio method. I like both honestly haha. I’m not about to cycle through them all and change now though that’s for sure. I’ve cycled through numerous times up till now.
That is probably the biggest reason to have both. So the user can decide which one they prefer to have.