It is for armv7. You need to chmod 777 it so retroarch can read it. I compiled whatever was in the mame2014 libretro repository.
[QUOTE=guicrith;39453]It is for armv7. You need to chmod 777 it so retroarch can read it. I compiled whatever was in the mame2014 libretro repository.[/QUOTE]
Already did that but it is not working, when I press load core and select the core, retroarch still says no core is loaded, tested on latest nightly, guys could anyone else test to see if the core is working for you?
Yes it work in Android 5.1.1
If you are in Android 6 maybe that’s the problem.
I am on Android 4.2.2 maybe that is the problem, anything that can be done?
[QUOTE=guicrith;39453]It is for armv7. You need to chmod 777 it so retroarch can read it. I compiled whatever was in the mame2014 libretro repository.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the aclaration, I do not need to give permissions.
to be honest that sounds incompatibility with 4.2.2
upgrade to android 5 at least if you can.
I am using android 6 and it works,4.2.2 might not work with position independent code (-fPIC)which this might use.
But the MAME git (2015) works in 4.2.2.
Does MAME Git uses that same code?
2014 build does not work on Galaxy S4 with 4.3. It loads the core but always gives the “Retroarch has stopped” error when loading any rom.
[QUOTE=guicrith;39453]It is for armv7. You need to chmod 777 it so retroarch can read it. I compiled whatever was in the mame2014 libretro repository.[/QUOTE]
Could you share this core please ?
I already shared the core and just recently I found out that when copying new files to /data/data/appdir/* there selinux context is different then when put there by the app ,o fix this reset the directorys selinux contexts or disable selinux.
My bad, sorry I meant to quote brujo5, he’s using the ume2014 core. The 2015 one is too slow for a shield tv.
Thanks for the info!
What can I use to reset this?
Edit: So I guess no one knows… I have no idea how to reset just the one directory which seemed like the best solution, so I went ahead used SELinuxModeChanger to chance SELinux to permissive, and magically I can now use the Mame 2014 core with no problem. If I change it back to Enforcing, the core no longer loads. So SELinux will have to stay disabled.
So to ask in an old thread but does anyone have the android core ume2014 and willing to share please?..thank yall
I have the Mame 2014 core if you are interested.
edit: I remember ume2014 being inside one of the older and larger archives here (you may need to refresh a couple of times) :
If you still need mame 2014 let me know.
Thsnks buddy… only 1 of those zips have a core folder but unfortunately none are for android
I pretty much have every core for android including pocketsnes frodo,hatari but not ume or mess both 2014
just in case you might have use for it, here’s the elusive mame2014 core for android it has a lot of compatibility but insanely high sys req (S7/Note7 will struggle with some games).
Hey buddy…do u still have mame2014 for android???