Mame core freeze

ciao a tutti. Con mame current core 0.258 mentre gioco ho occasionali freeze, con gli altri core nessun problema.Questo core non è sviluppato bene o c’è qualche ozione da configurare ? grazie

Seems easy…

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bambino, scrivere in inglese!!

Puedes usar DeepL, es excelente con todos los idiomas raros que tienen en europa. :speak_no_evil:

Hi everyone. With mame current core 0.258 while I play I have occasional freezes, with the other cores no problem. Is this core not developed well or is there some option to configure? Thank you

Ok. You have it outdated, we are on 0.261 and waiting for a prompt update to 0.262. And recently RetroArch 1.17.0 was released. Please update it and try again.

I see you have another similar post. Is it the same error?

Mame is core demanding, but Outrun can run fine even on a Dual Core.

First you need to update Core, RetroArch and romset version 0.261 (or 0.262).

On limited devices, some advanced settings may affect performance, latency reduction, rewind, etc. As well as multithreaded video and shader as well.

You didn’t mention your platform neither the games you tried playing.

thanks for the replies. even with the 0.261 core I still have these small freezes. I’ve always read that core current mame should be avoided because it’s not optimized and has bugs, is that true? Yes, that’s true. I could use fbneo but I’m too fond of mame? sorry for my English I use translator

did you activate overclocking in the mame core options ? or enable preemptive frames ?

turn both off …i had some freezes too some days ago

Where did you hear that? It’s more demanding than FBneo but that’s because it’s more accurate and FBneo is more performance focused. I’m not aware of any major bugs that exist in the core but not on standalone, other than some speed issues in LCD handheld games. In fact, the later versions of the current mame core are better than it’s older versions, it used to have more issues compared to the standalone MAME that are now fixed.

As for why it doesn’t perform well on your system… It would be helpful if we knew what system that is.

Welcome Francesco.

Your English is fine.
Are you using a translator to read the answers? You have several answers, you are skipping some.

MAME on previous cores had problems. Currently we have a new implementation, very optimized, it works excellent.

Use the one you want, but it is good to point out that even if you have similarities, they are different arcade projects. In some things they are similar and in others they are very different.

Please review this guide for some basic concepts:
Getting started with arcade emulation

For a more faithful translation, I recommend you to write in the correct language and as simple as possible.

Separate paragraphs well, sometimes you even have to separate sentences,
because the translator does not understand them.

That statement is wrong though, being more accurate doesn’t necessarily mean being more demanding. As a matter of fact there are games emulated more accurately in FBNeo while still being less demanding than MAME.

@fra You still didn’t mention your platform neither the games you tried playing.

Interesting, can you mention some examples? Sorry for the offtopic.

yes, I use a translator. my platform is PC i3 windows 7. I will try with the advice you gave me.I don’t use the core 0.261 because I have the romset 0.258 and in any case trying some games with the core and 0.261 I have the usual problem

The 0.258 core should be good.

I’m still using 0.255 romset with current 0.262 without any issues so far.

And no “freezing” issues encountered ever either.

429 / 5.000

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for years I have been using attrac mode fronted with retroarch cores but for mame I use the stand alone version because I consider it better. I wanted to try retroarch’s core mame but I have this problem. I just tried the crime city game and every now and then I get microblocks. The other cores have no problems and fbneo also seems to have no problems, obviously the standalone version has no microblocks. thanks for your help

He had opened another older post, where he mentions Outru and “others”, so I think it may be configuration.

We are ruling out possible problems.

In general, rom 0.258 works in MAME 0.261, but it may be that the game you are using changed and gives error. That’s why it’s always recommended to have everything updated.

But, if you are going to use romset 0.258 use core 0.258 to have the best compatibility.

The problem may be in configuration, if you have enabled any option of RetroArch or the core, it is advisable to disable and test.

If you don’t remember what they are, reset the core and RetroArch settings, and try again.

Well, as said in the documentation, most of the time, both emulators are equally accurate, and fixes are frequently ported to each other (if you find one game where FBNeo is inaccurate, assuming it’s not something intentional on our part, feel free to report it on our forum/github). Here is a non-exhaustive list of a few exceptions i know about though :

  • gijoe, MAME is heavily glitched starting from the elevator in the 1st level (until the end of the game) despite having the game flagged as having correct gfx, while FBNeo matches the pcb videos. Apparently one of their devs didn’t consider our emulation satisfactory, oh well…
  • pgm, the sound board emulation is extremely accurate in FBNeo, and MAME devs wanted to port it, however it aborted due to licensing issues (they couldn’t get the authorization from the retired dev who retro engineered a pgm board and wrote this driver). They rewrote theirs around 2 years ago but apparently it’s still supposedly imperfect.
  • cps2, apparently we do a better job at emulating the raster effects, it’s still imperfect in both emulators though.

The thing is that MAME has preservation as its main goal, accuracy being just a side effect for them, so they value readability more than performance.

@fra small freezes on those 1980s 2D games with an i3 doesn’t seem normal, the only thing that comes to mind if you have no issue with other cores would be a misconfiguration issue, maybe you have runahead or preemptive frames enabled ?

Provare a ridurre la grafica. Questo dovrebbe salvarvi la vita. Inoltre, provare Razer Cortex.

But this is different from having “occasional freezes”.

Don’t understand English? Translator does not work?

Reset the core options:
Quick Menu » Core Options » Manager Core Options » Reset Options


Resets the RetroArch frontend options:
Main menu » Configuration File » Reset to Defaults


Obviously, if you have custom configurations, you need to make a backup.

Try first one and then the other, this way you will find out which configuration is affecting performance.

Old games hardly change (neither do the new ones). The focus is on clones and other systems. Even if it changes it is possible that it still works, or not. :man_shrugging:t2:

MAME is a mystery beyond my comprehension.

è relativo, bisogna tener conto…

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Naturalmente, è tutta una questione di punti di vista. :pinching_hand: