Hello, I’ve been using the Mame core(s) for some time now. I use my Xbox360 gamepad, Mame used to support my Dpad & Left ThumbsStick simultaneously. But in the more recent builds it only supports my Dpad and not my Thumbstick. I’ve gone into the RetroArch options and enabled it but still doesn’t work. I use other cores Snes9x, Nestopia, FinalBurn Alpha…ect. They all work with both Thumbstick & Dpad simultaneous with no issues. Any suggestions?
Do you have ‘user 1 analog to digital type’ set to ‘left stick’ in settings > input > user 1 input binds? If so, perhaps a core override is disabling it?
Thanks for the reply. I tried both methods but no luck. These settings work just fine with all other non Mame cores.
Open the MAME menu with Tab while in a game, then go to Inputs (general), Player 1 Controls and map your dpad inputs to P1 Up, Down, Left and Right.