Tried a bit more for analog and it’s working in other games like Forgotten World or Outrun.
Not sure what’s happening with gtmr (1000 miglia great 1000 miles rally).
I can play this game with digital direction but it feels slower to react (similar to what happens in outrun if you use digital keys instead of analog).
edit:That’s the same in 0.170 lol. It’s more reactive in my head then!
Same in Mame stand-alone: Dial/Pad analog do nothing at all.
edit2: there’s a DIP switch setting to activate it… my bad. (it works strangely though)
I’m using Mame internal rotation and then Retroarch opposite rotation to put scanlines in the right direction for vertical games.
I even made a .bat that does:
rename ".\config\mame\mame.cfg" "mamec.cfg"
rename ".\config\mame\mameb.cfg" "mame.cfg"
rename ".\config\mame\mamec.cfg" "mameb.cfg"
with video_rotation = “1” in mameb.cfg (and vertical.ini with ror 1 in mame folder).
That’s my “one-click work-around” to have a vertical CRT shader atm.
I’m confused with that core option resolution setting. How was it working before the GUI rewrite, in 0.170?
I believed it was just following the game resolution before and now it has to be defined… but it’s probably different?
edit: OK that didn’t change.
I was just changing that resolution setting and seeing an AV re-init happening had me believed it changed, while it stayed at the native game resolution in the log.