ha i knew it so now i search for a way to get that dammed video card from the cdi emulated maybe with mame i must play thunder in paradise …i just have to
Man, this is cool. I’m going to have to cough up the money for one of these guns before long.
Since I don’t use all the available layers, I started working last night on separating everything into a default background, bezel, backdrops, etc… remade my default presets and generic bezel and started tweaking the presets so that very little needs to be done for each machine.
It took a lot of time to get this set up, but I can swap everything out pretty quickly and set up a new machine/preset with not much trouble. It also allows me to just change one file to change the background, for instance… and sizing the bezel when it isn’t baked into the background/cabinet image is so much more flexible.
I probably didn’t need to do all this, but it’s pretty fun once you get everything set up and rolling.
yeah you can also made an preset extra to create an background … with different elements , than make a screenshot and use this for another preset as background ^^
i regret it not …its really like an original lightgun besides this thin border therefore you can use one gun for everything …and the price i would guess its allright it cost as much as my arcade stick was …so for an good working controller ok
oh i didn´t get the recoil version maybe one day (for my custom cabinet) but i think its quite loud from what i seen , and less mechanic parts mean less things that could break over time ^^
also i guess to setup and get everything for one real console to work , nes, zapper, crt,games it would be cost as much or more
One thing you may want to look into if you haven’t done so already, is to use the Follow Layer feature on the image layers of the cabinet to follow the tube. If it is set up like this then if you want to scale up/down the cabinet without affecting the background you can just adjust the screen size and everything following will scale and move along with it.
using a fullscreen preset it works allways with a thickness of 1.00 btw
also this guy gets me everytime with his dramatic action jump
I would really like to play that PSX Working Designs gun game again. I used to have a copy years ago. I forget the name.
Elemental Gearbolt ?
Can you do this with the bezel as well? I have the bezel on a separate layer, so I would need the bezel to follow the tube and the cabinet frame to follow the bezel.
Yep… that’s the one.
you maybe have to swap your images cuz not all layers can follow any other but , yes you could set it up like this
The names of the layers show the intent of the shader creator and reflect the layer order.
The Device Layer would be the Cabinet frame and the Cabinet Glass Layer would be the Bezel art.
If you use these layers as intended, the needed follow options will be available.
See my previous post that shows the layer order and talks about the follow parameter.
Keep in mind that the Device layer is set to follow the tube by default, and it will cause the scale of the layer to change.
What I usually do is create two copies of my Device image and use one as a scale guide.
It has a 6 pixel red border that let’s me accurately scale to the correct size. Then I replace it with the border-less image after I save the preset.
This becomes even more necessary when the Device layer is larger than the viewport. (For drop shadows etc.) Without the guide I would only be guessing. (In this circumstance, any layer that would follow the Device also has to share it’s dimensions.)
The setup would involve layering all the images and set the Device to follow “Full” or “BG”, to get the screen scale and position right, then changing the Device to follow the tube and re-scaling just the Device. (The other layers would follow the Device.)
These topics will all be covered in my eventual Advanced Image Layer Guide.
If you run into issues I can walk you through it.
I guess this is a bit of a feature request, but I was wondering if we could have an image point to the file named after the preset. This would save an enormous amount of trouble for things like bezel images, which are all named differently, as opposed to a background image that is just background.png (or whatever).
For example, it might look something like CabinetGlassImage = “…/…/…/Mega_Bezel_Packs/bezels/%filename%.png”. The %filename% would mean it would look for a bezel named after the file name of the preset. That way you wouldn’t have to edit the bezel file name over and over.
Thanks for considering my suggestion.
HSM said once that this feature is on his list ^^ when i created my neo geo overlays
Oh nice… well, I am looking forward to this.
Interesting, what I was planning to do is to allow the preset creator to add tokens like this in the name which would be replaced by info coming from Retroarch.
E.G. If we load up the arcade game Magic Sword, and in the preset we had a path like <game>_Marquee.png
then when loading the preset Retroarch would try to find an image named msword_Marquee.png
and if that is not found it would look for default_Marquee.png
This way you could have just one preset which could automatically swap in the images if they exist
That sounds pretty similar to what I was thinking. Maybe it would be even easier to set up a universal command, like %filename% matches the preset name, like Pacman.slangp, then the shader would look for Pacman.png for the image.
Then we are still stuck with a preset that can only use one image, so we need many presets.
HSM’s option would let us use the same preset for an unlimited number of games and change all the layers if we wished.
I also think it would be easy (For HSM ) to add other tokens once he figures out the first. (That will be the tough part.)
and this would made such overlays like my neo geo stuff , working without creating over 140 presets for allways the same cabinet frame
You guys will definitely know the best way to solve the problem. I’m just a guy hoping we can make the work easier. We are all working on the same stuff, so it benefits us all.