Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

I don’t think it cares what console you’re using it on. It just looks for specific patterns in the pixels and applies its algorithms to those that match. Dither patterns were also used in PlayStation and Sega Saturn games.

Things like Checkerboard Dedithering always run the risk of detecting false positives, why not just use an NTSC Shader Preset or pair with a Blargg NTSC Video Filter Preset?


Thank you very much, very kind as always. It was just a curiosity of mine, since the checkboard dithering system was an option included in the shader. But as far as I understand, this as the striped dithering system could eventually lead to artifacts due to false positives. Unfortunately, the NTSC shaders are too strong for my eyes at the moment. Maybe it’s because I’m getting old, or that my memory, if it doesn’t deceive me, doesn’t let me remember that type of display back then. At the time, since I came from PCs, my first console was the PlayStation.

Both striped and checkerboard suffer from false positives.

You just have to know how to use them. There have been several improvements on this front over the last couple years so you can get your dedithering and blending of transparencies while maintaining a sharp image.

All you need to do is set the NTSC Scale to 1.00 or very close to 1.00, increase the NTSC Chroma Scaling / Bleeding to the maximum value and set Artifacts and Fringing to 0.

If you want even more sharpness, you can decrease the NTSC Sharpness (Adaptive) to the lowest negative value.

If you want to retain even more sharpness than that, you can decrease the Horizontal Filter Range slightly and Increase Subtractive Sharpness Slightly.

Have you even tried this or the CyberLab Custom Blargg NTSC Video Filter Presets pack, S-Video, Hi- Fi and Composite Video Filter presets or one of my 3D Comb Filter presets before making that sweeping generalization about NTSC shaders?

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No, unfortunately work has kept me away and busy, I did some tests for half an hour with the basic Mega Bezel the other evening through the mini PC connected to a television that I mounted in the bedroom (an old but still effective 30-inch Sony Bravia full HD) - as soon as work is more lenient I have to do several tests on your work among other things. I started from the basic (Mega Bezel) and then wanted to test all the community’s works, so that once I chose the best mix for me I could pass everything on the laptop. Thanks a lot for your help. PS but is there any news of a possible V2 of the Mega Bezel? I had read if I remember correctly that they are “Work in progress” and I’m curious about the changes they have in store.

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@cyber your Mega Bezel Smooth Advance settings for 1080p displays are PERFECT !! Crazy your work, and what a variety of presets to explore! Your work is immense and I have found my happy oasis. Thank you very much!!! I am really happy ! P.S. your work can be used in association with the wonderful work of @Duimon ? It would be the Top!


As long as the Cyber preset doesn’t require integer scale… if you load one of his presets, save a new preset, (regular, core, game, or content directory.) then edit the saved preset and add one of the base presets located in the “params” folder of my Mega Bezel pack. They are essentially copies of my presets that don’t reference a base preset.

Integer scale presets will work but more of the background will be covered than I intended when creating it.


Thank you very much, I will try soon and if I have any problems I will write on your threads. In the meantime I am happy that it is possible. Thank you very much for your great work.


Wow, that looks awesome. Where can i find those settings? I tried downloading HDR presets but i guess thats not it.

Thank you!


Hi, this I posted is a @Cyber work - it’s his preset and customization of the “Mega Bezel” shader - he has a lot of presets available for all tastes, resolutions and screens. Search the thread “CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs” for more information, you will find what you are looking for.

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Hello everyone. I was testing a few things with the two computers I have at home, and I came across these strange behaviors that I wanted to report. To this end, I will share screenshots where I have highlighted the points where I noticed these anomalies.

In the first image I was using the “MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV” preset and here’s what I see when I view the Playstation intro screen. Same thing also with the Dreamcast screen and with Playstation 2 games:

The second problem concerns the “MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__GDV__DREZ-480p” preset which apparently does not do the smoothing job correctly:

MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV with internal res 1X

MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__GDV__DREZ-480p with internal res 2x

It therefore improves the three-dimensional part (thanks to upscaling) but worsens the two-dimensional part, I have the same visual results that I would have by applying the “MBZ__1__ADV__GDV__DREZ-480p” preset (only the mask applied by default changes since the “adv” presets use mask 0, the “smooth_adv” presets use mask 1):

This issue also occurs with internal resolutions higher than 2x - plus it also occurs on other cores.

To conclude I used the latest versions of Retroarch and Mega Bezel, the computer where I tested it has Nvidia drivers but I have the same problem with the second computer that has Radeon drivers. The second is a Mini PC connected to a 32-inch television. The reference core of the photos is SwanStation, but I had the same results with other cores. All tests are carried out at 1080p, which in terms of available panels and computer performance is the maximum resolution I use.



Good morning, First of all, congratulations for the great work of this shader. I really like the effect of its Smooth shaders in combination with ScaleFX since a non-aggressive smoothing is achieved.

My problem is that, especially with the GBA, the scanlines bother me so far apart.

I would like to get something like in the following image:

I achieve this by turning off all masks and scanlines and adding some fake scanlines with the Res shader (Mega Bezel’s fake scanlines eliminate that light ScaleFX effect for me).

It would be interesting to be able to achieve that effect without having to resort to external shaders, plus Res doesn’t align my lines perfectly.

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Prepending shader presets does not work as intended with the Mega Bezel. Even if the results look good enough, the effect is not limited to the screen portion. In practice it will not play out well.

The “Opposite Direction Multiplier” parameter can be increased to tighten up the scanlines.

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Hello, thanks for answering :blush:

I had done the test with “Opposite Direction Multiplier”. Indeed the scanlines are tighter but there is some deformation in the original image:

I wish it were as easy as duplicating the scanlines without affecting the resolution… :disappointed: . Maybe some mask that simulates them… :thinking:

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Scanlines are resolution dependent. The only way to do otherwise is to use fake scanlines. (Resolution independence is what “fake” means.)

Classic handhelds had fairly low resolution, so CRT shaders look a bit funky at native res.

Try one of the Smooth ADV shaders like I posted. The “smoothing” makes the change in resolution irrelevant.

If you really want the blocky original image on GBA you are better off using an LCD shader.

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I see that what I want is not possible. I don’t control much on this issue.

I will continue doing tests because of my stuporiness :grin:. I sincerely appreciate your expert advice on the subject.

Thank you very much for your attention. :slight_smile:


So in the latest Retroarch nightly builds I’m having an unusual problem: When I tweak MegaBezel shader parameters and hit F1 to go back to game, Retroarch is crashing. Not sure if this is a MegaBezel issue, or Retroarch itself. Quite annoying because I can’t tweak shaders easily anymore.

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Since the shader hasn’t changed, I assume it is an issue on your end, not necessarily with the nightly build though.

Try temporarily renaming you retroarch.cfg to retroarch.cfgOLD and trying again after enabling vulkan and shaders.

Alternatively you can try a new install in a temp directory.

Hi I wanted to reconfigure my shaders for all my platforms and had a few questions!

  1. Is increasing viewport zoom (to increase game area size) having a negative impact on scanlines or the quality of the shader?

2.There’s also an option below called zoom cert scanlines (I think), should it be enabled when increasing viewport zoom, what does it do?

  1. Any specific settings required when playing on a 4k resolution? Or anything specific to OLED or HDR to to enable?

  2. When upscaling a game to 4K shader crashes, is the DREZ preset recommended or should I use a potato preset?

Thanks a lot!

Why would you do this when you can just adjust the Integer Scale Offset or Non-Integer Scale %?

Viewport zoom isn’t really the setting to increase viewpoint size. It’s just to zoom in to see the details a bit better when you’re designing presets and stuff.

Mega Bezel presets aim to be more generally compatible across different displays and resolutions. I have all of those more specific types of settings in my presets already.

If you want to do it the hard way, all of these answers are in the CRT-Guest-Advanced thread and also in the CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs thread as far as HDR is concerned.

Mega Bezel also has presets which use Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor so the Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor guidelines would apply there if using them in HDR mode.

You can also take a read of the Mega Bezel readme available in the Shader Folder or on its GitHub page.

You can use DREZ or you can try another tier like Standard but with advanced CRT Shader parameters smoothing out all of the graphics, if applied correctly, high levels of internal upscaling may not be necessary.

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Hello I just discovered these awesome shaders, I want to use them but everytime I select a shader, retroarch is crashing completly and closing

I am using latest retroarch stable release, I have followed all the steps to “install” the mega bezel shaders packs, but whatever shader i choose (standard, lite or advanced) it just crashing.

The only one I can use it potato shaders packs, but just the classic one, others make retroarch crashing too.

Im using an handheld device with AMD Ryzen 7 8840U CPU and 780M GPU Can it handle the shaders packs?

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