Why would you do this when you can just adjust the Integer Scale Offset or Non-Integer Scale %?
Viewport zoom isn’t really the setting to increase viewpoint size. It’s just to zoom in to see the details a bit better when you’re designing presets and stuff.
Mega Bezel presets aim to be more generally compatible across different displays and resolutions. I have all of those more specific types of settings in my presets already.
If you want to do it the hard way, all of these answers are in the CRT-Guest-Advanced thread and also in the CyberLab Death To Pixels Shader Preset Packs thread as far as HDR is concerned.
Mega Bezel also has presets which use Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor so the Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor guidelines would apply there if using them in HDR mode.
You can also take a read of the Mega Bezel readme available in the Shader Folder or on its GitHub page.
You can use DREZ or you can try another tier like Standard but with advanced CRT Shader parameters smoothing out all of the graphics, if applied correctly, high levels of internal upscaling may not be necessary.