Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Thanks, didn’t realize you had completed presets already! Worked great! This might be the wrong thread but do you have any PAL Snes presets as well?


Yes, they are listed as alternates. (_Alt.)


New version without overscan (showing full screen) has the white bars, while the old version without overscan and both versions with overscan look fine.


Okay, this is bizarre… I tried out Duimon’s bezels (they look great by the way, and I really like that they’re already preconfigured), then when I switched back to the normal current Mega Bezel, it looked fine. I can’t even get the white bars to come back. So I don’t know what happened, but I guess it’s fixed now :confused:


I don’t like bizarre non-repeatable bugs. :frowning_face:

I am glad you like my presets and graphics.

Fairly soon here, when all the peices are in place, this community will be responsible for the greatest number of pre-configured high quality shader border collections ever seen.

(Running on top of a shader framework the likes of which has also never been seen.)

Damn, I love this community! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sorry, man. I’ll try to use more of the presets from now on since, as you well know, I tend to use the glass presets. I appreciate the work you put into the other presets. It’s a good opportunity to say thank you, again :slight_smile:

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Awesome, it looks fantastic! Am I correct to assume that all your presets use Guest-SM shader? :thinking:


I need some opinions: should the grille be dotted (lottes) or with classic, horizontal scanlines (trinitron)?

As I just used to have a very lofi b/w tv for gaming in the days, I don’t have a direct experience with monochrome CRTs. From photos online I can see quite a bunch of different scenarios with different displays, sometimes these monitors look like they have solid, sharp visuals with no masking at all!

So… what’s your experience with phosphors? :thinking:


Monochrome monitors didn’t need masks since they don’t have triads, only one color of phosphor. B&W TVs had the phosphor simply sprayed on the inside of the face. I’m not positive that higher resolution CRTs were as simple, but if they used a shadow mask it was for a very different reason than color CRTs.

I do know that vector displays sometimes used a comb filter of some sort, maybe high resolution monochrome CRTs did also.

It may be more authentic to just turn off the masks.

This Magnavox Monitor 80 manufactured in 1985 quite caught me off guard, there’s some clear evidence of masking on this MONO:


I used LOTTES on my c1201 rendition using these (damn shaking) videos as reference, and yes this looks way orang-y than the later amber ones:

Hence my doubt: there really was a wide variety of masks on these ancient MONOs!


That does indeed look like a mask. They also had a Color 80 in the same time period. Maybe they used the same face and body of the tube and just welded on different guns, to streamline production.

A strange thing… the Color 80 bears a striking resemblance to the Commodore 1084s, (At least the body of the monitor.) Magnavox was a subsidiary of Philips, who manufactured the 1084.

Seems they may have reused a lot of parts. :grin:


I believe what you’re seeing in those shots is composite artifacts. Super Mario World shot looks like NTSC luma to me:

and the Commodore BASIC PRINT one looks like PAL:


Much interesting @hunterk … So it’s something related to the signal, not to the hardware itself.

In the Magnavox I’d say it’s a combination of the two, as Duimon suggested! I’ll try to find more hi-res evidence…

@HyperspaceMadness have we something like that in our toolbox? :thinking:


I have a few monochrome monitors in storage. I can hook them up to my 5160 with a Hercules card and see what I see.


Yes please @Duimon! So we can solve this monochrome mistery once and for all :nerd_face:


When I add GUEST-GDV-NTSC I think you would be able to use this for the NTSC effect,and the monochrome would go on top of that.


I hate to disappoint but, among my dozens of IBM PS/2 monitors, Apple monitors, and even one of those Magnavox color monitors, in my infinite wisdom I must have either ditched or hidden away somewhere real deep, all my monochrome monitors. I can’t find a single one.

I know I was concerned about storage space when I moved into my house but I can’t believe I didn’t save at least one. :rofl:

Now I will have to buy a couple when I get around to setting everything up. :innocent:


Just wanted to say thanks for all of this to all who have contributed and made this possible. I now can move on from “Death to Pixels” in Analog Shader Pack 3.0. I hope the “BendBombBoom__Aperture-Soft__Mask-1” preset remains just as good as it is now even though it’s still considered experimental. Can you freeze it and promote it to one of the standard or variations presets? Would it change as you continue to update HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader?

The “Newpixie-Clone_Smoothed_Rolling-Scanlines__STD__GDV” was very interesting although I might have preferred if the rolling effect of the scanlines was a bit more subtle and almost unnoticeable unless you paused the game and looked for it. I briefly looked at Smoothed-ScaleFX_Horz_Only__STD" and “Smoothed-ScaleFX_Antialias” and they both looked beautiful. But for now I think I’m sticking with the “BendBombBoom__Aperture-Soft__Mask-1” preset.


Honestly it shouldn’t change too drastically (looks wise) between updates, in most situations tbh.

The bigger issue will someone possibly needing to “remake” the preset if setting names change, but that’s honestly just a matter of typing or inputting numbers for the most part.


Or, great. I was just a bit worried due to it being in the “Experimental” folder and the fact that I liked it so much as it is now.