Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Latest Shader Update V 2020-04-15


  • Opacity on bezel & frame are now working correctly

Got the PVM overlay + shader working.


And ya know what, for S&G, tried watching a cartoon with the shader, other than the banding (cartoon is 480p), it looks good as well.


So I revisited my trial with existing artwork and had better luck (Well done HSM).

With a combination of scaling parameters and some tweaking to reflection amount and [REFLECTION] Radial Fade Width & [REFLECTION] Radial Fade Height, I came up with this.

Which isn’t too bad. The original author didn’t have the screen perfectly centered and we have no way of offsetting the screen, so it’s not perfect. Pretty time consuming to set up but I could see a use with a good script and a bunch of bezel art with identically placed screens.

But… there seems to be an issue with the screen cropping that has popped up, under normal use. (I am using the guest-dr-venom)


Notice at the bezel inner edge there is a small part of the background image showing through. :open_mouth:

I messed with every parameter having to do with the inner edge but nothing effects it so…

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Thanks for testing, this is what beta is for! :slight_smile: I’ll fix this, I just need to adjust one of the masks.


Very Cool!

Note: For anyone who is doing something like this where they are putting a reflection over top an existing background, If you want to control the masking of the reflection with a texture you can put a copy of your background texture (with the area where the screen and reflection should appear cut out) as the overlay texture.

I did it a different way. This is the overlay. I removed the background and just scaled the bezel to fit the overlay. Brighten up the color a bit and it all looks fine.

That way, I can keep the full reflection without having the overlay (with the bezel) mask it out


@HyperspaceMadness Is there anything that could be done to fix the banding?

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Turning on interlacing can remove the banding, but then interlacing comes with a bit of flicker

PS1 is the only system that has problems with the banding, probably due to using a non-integer scale

The Banding is really directly from the crt shader and how much curvature is used, so the same thing should happen with the original shader. I haven’t updated to Guest’s new Guest-Venom shader, the banding could improved there as guest’s new interlace shader seems to generate some nice results for 480p content. I’ll be integrating this new version probably this week. You can also try Easymode which might result in less moiree pattern.


The sharpness code has also been updated, at least I’m pretty sure you haven’t updated since he did that.

EDIT: Make sure to pull from the repo for the update, as he just updated the interlacing and some other minor things a couple of days ago.

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So. I…

  1. Installed the bezelproject port on my Windows PC.

  2. Downloaded all the Playstation Bezels.

  3. Copied the PNGs to my images folder in retroarch and set one as a background in my Playstation preset.

  4. Set the parameters to use the generated bezel but used non-iteger scaling % to cover up the bezel in the art.

  5. Copied my preset to the images folder and renamed it with a preceding underscore to keep track of it.

  6. Downloaded gsar.exe and put it in the images folder, also renaming it with an underscore.

  7. Edited the preset and replace the image name with a placeholder. (I actually named it “placeholder.png” because I new that “placeholder” was nowhere else in the text.)

  8. Wrote a simple batch file that replaced “placeholder.png” with the filename of each PNG and output a *.slangp also of the same name.

And BAM! Copied the presets to my preset folder and instantly 1897 game themed presets.

Takes a little setup but works like a charm and by saving the batch script, can be redone even now if the shader is updated.

I will not use this myself but someone seemed interested.

for %%a in (*.png) do ( _GSAR.EXE -s"placeholder" -r"%%~na" “_Beetle PSX HW.slangp” -f “%%~na.slangp” )

The above is the script. I have it named “_MakePresets.cmd”. It will need to be edited with the preset filename.


Hi, I am total noob to retroarch and after seeing your shader with the vertical bezels from Arsinvictus I decided to give it a try. As my setup is portrait monitor in pincab ( retroFE coinops)

Now I got a MAME ROM running and the overlay working, but when I tried to get your shader in I got stuck. Arsinvictus had some shaders which I copied into the shader directory and got the scanlines and stuff to work when loading presets. I copied all your shaders stuff into the directory, but when I try to find the load preset I can’t see anything (no item).

Just wondering what should I do. I have been googling myself silly to see how to install shaders but I just don’t get it.

So hope you or someone here can help or point me into the right direction.



Do you have Retroarch set to the vulkan video driver?

If not go to settings/drivers/ then set video to vulkan and then try. This is most likely the issue if the shader isn’t showing up as an option to use.

Great that worked.

I do need to get used to saving config files and restarting retro arch for those setting to take effect. But it did solve the issue.

And on that note, wow amazing shader. It really brings the whole thing together.

Thanks again.


New version of the Mega Bezel Reflection is Up! V 2020-04-19


  • Guest-Venom Shader Is Updated
  • Royale Bezel Reflection version available
  • 3d Curvature Added to all - Set to 2D by default for performance
  • Fixed overlapping issue @Duimon found
  • Tybe glass texture is now warped with the screen curvature
  • Old presets will need to be updated
    • An additional pass was added to hold a cache of the curvature calculation
  • Some Parameter names have changed

To come:

  • 3D Frame to go along with 3D tube
  • Fixes for when Cropping is used
  • Geom-Deluxe Version

Updated Guest-Venom with higher res core

3D Geometric deformation of the screen extracted from Royale

Lots of Curvature!!!

Cylindrical Curvature in Mode 3

X Scale added on top of cylindrical curvature to make it wider

Curvature on Vertical tube


Game Boy Advance in tilt mode!

Important notes about 2d curvature vs 3D curvature

When using 2D curvature you set curvature mode to 0 and set the long axis and short axis values like you did before

When you use 3D curvature, you set Curvature mode to 1-3 and set the 2D/Extra3D Curvature to 0

If you are using 3D curvature you should use the 3D Radius & View Distance first and then add extra curvature with these extra two parameters, then correct the scale with the curvature post scale

Here’s an extreme example the additional curvature used


This is some wild stuff. Great job.

Having the cylindrical curvature is really going to make lilbud’s PVM overlay look good. :slight_smile:


Can this release work as a standalone of do we need to update the slang shaders?

I don’t think you will need to update any shaders outside of what’s in the package


I may be wrong but couldn’t you use a .h file or .inc, (I can never remember which one, maybe they are interchangeable) to hold the curvature calculations (if thats all the extra pass is doing is holding calculations and not actually applying them right that second)? If you’d like an example check out the slang version of the ntsc shader, it’s split up into multiple .inc files holding calculations.

Regardless the new curvature stuff looks great!

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