Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Hey @HyperspaceMadness , will this new light feature replace the nightly presets?

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No, I think it will be rather an accompaniment to how the night lighting works, possibly a switch between the just night lighting vs night lighting + Bounce Lighting.



What’s the current consensus on best settings / core for Arcade vertical games. I use the settings at the top (Aspect Ratio = Full) but this seems to stretch all Vertical games to monitor (16:9)

I;ve tried FBNeo, Mame 2003 and Mame Current :frowning:

Are you talking about rotated display in portrait mode or a rotated viewport on a landscape display here?

What’s wrong with the default settings?

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All set to the above…

FBNeo does this (right aspect but rotated(

MAME 2003 this (stretched to horizontal)

MAME Current also (with default art)

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Setting to CORE provided does this

FBNeo - Correct rotation for the window, rotated video

MAME 2003 (correct)

MAME Current - Correct

So, curious why the recommended guise says set Apsect to FULL?

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The flip side of this is that if I use CORE for aspect ratio, then using Duimons bezels which need 16:9 don’t work on older consoles such as Atari 2600 as it fixes them to 4:3

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The Aspect is supposed to be Full in the RetroArch Video Scaling settings. It needs to be that way to allow Mega Bezel control over all aspects of scaling.

The only way your game would be stretched all the way to fill out a 16:9 display if you set the Aspect to Full in the RetroArch settings and are using default settings in Mega Bezel Reflection Shader is if you or someone else also changed the Aspect Ratio setting in the Shader Parameters.

By default, that is supposed to be set to Auto.

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Ahhh, now I’m getting somewhere. It seems that there might be an issue with Duimons Arcade bezel. If I use the ADV MegaBezel it looks to be working

MAME 2003

MAME Current

Although FBNeo still isn’t right…

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I think the problem is Duimons preset for Arcade only has an image for Horizontal so then stretches everything. I’ll will stick to the plain MegaBezel ADV for now. Thanks for the pointers

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This can be due to either the preset, some override somewhere or some overlooked setting.

Back in the day, actually not that long ago, we used to have to tell Mega Bezel to rotate vertical games in FB Neo. There’s a setting for that in the Shader Parameters.

However, after the last update to RetroArch and Mega Bezel Reflection Shader, this should be handled automatically.

So you can look for the setting inside Shader Preset Parameters, I can’t remember the name off hand, unfortunately. It could be Viewport Orientation or Tube Orientation or Rotation or something like that and adjust it from there.

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Fixed!!! Thank you so much. I deleted the slangp file and recreated it fresh, must have been a leftover from previous settings or something. All good now

Hey @HyperspaceMadness , I updated slang shades now e dont have the HSM_FRM_INNER_EDGE_HIGHLIGHT parameter anymore. Is it intentional?

By updating slang shaders, you essentially downgraded your Mega Bezel Installation so you should probably reinstall the latest version from the repo.

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Hey everyone, Im new here. I have been reading and re-reading this whole thread over and over for DAYS, but I am just not comprehending it due to how complicated it is (from my perspective/skill level) so I have a question.

I use retroarch with launch box as my primary interface on my Windows PC and I recently learned about the whole overlay image thing with shader options and I am very excited about this, but it’s clear to me that after all the reading ive done here, this is beyond my abilities. So I need some help. I have a custom-made overlay .png image that I created in photoshop (that I created using an actual photo of the TV that I grew up playing all these retro games on when I was a kid in the late 80s/early 90s, so it’s VERY important special to me.) I just have 2 goals, 1. I want to get this overlay image set up properly, and 2. I want to get a good shader on there to simulated the old style glass screen/scan lines of the TVs of that era.

So, with those two goals in mind, can someone please help me streamline this process with a clear itemized shopping list of steps that I need to take in order to achieve this end result. I do really well with checklists. I would prefer to continue using launch box as my primary retro game interface as it is beautiful, but if I need to go back to just using retro arch only, I am willing to do that if this is not possible within LB. I am also willing to modify my custom overlay png image file in photoshop if needed to fit with the shader file.

Thank you to anyone who can help me. I really appreciate it.


Welcome to the forum!! :grin:

I, and the community, would be glad to help. I created a thread to go into greater detail.

Please post your question there and I will respond.


A post was merged into an existing topic: How to convert an image into an overlay or border shader background

Hi @HyperspaceMadness, please I need your help. I was searching your thread for information on your “advance smooth” variants and came across this post. I wanted to test this Anti-Alias aspect together with FXAA, but searching in the parameters of your shader I was not able to find the steps to modify? Could you please help me get this exact look? Thank you very much and always thank you for your work.

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Hi to all, I hope you are well? Where I can download the “MEGA BEZEL” Bezel?

In which package of Duimon is the image to find and especially what is it called, so I can find it. I only use Retroid Pocket 31, is not strong enough for the light shaders effect. That’s why I’m only looking for the image, I still think it’s cool. Thanks in advance for feedback and help. Kind Regard, Elena

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Hi, take a look at Presets\Variations\Smoothed\SMOOTH-ADV_1_Antialias.slangp this should match what you see in these posted examples.

For FXAA, there is a parameter nearer the end of the parameter list to turn on/off FXAA.

Taking a look at the results with FXAA, I think we could benefit from a blend value of how much we blend in the FXAA result

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