Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

First of all, thanks so much for your help. I noticed (in my opinion) a strong difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics with the “smooth_adv” preset, a difference mainly linked to the low resolution of the three-dimensional content, mentioning first of all platforms such as Playstation or Saturn. So in light of your answer, I believe that the way to standardize the image is to use the internal resolution increase, using 2X or 3X, through the Core options, and absolutely using “Drez_smooth_Adv_480” as presets , as these apply supersampling to the upscaled image before starting the shader chain. Hence my request that I made a few days ago to have a Drez smooth preset on the roster in the future that uses the classic GDV, and I believe that it is the right way to go to have the balance I am looking for. I love how smooth benefits two-dimensional, as it does three-dimensional, but the bottleneck is resolutions. I hope I don’t make a mistake.


Yep. That is exactly what I would probably have ended up recommending. :grin:

BTW. If you read my guide you can use any community Mega Bezel preset, and (almost) any standalone guest preset to customize the masks etc. settings of the DREZ base that you are using.

All it takes is a second reference line in your preset.

In the case of newer guest standalone presets, while it will still work, it may not look exactly the same.

(@guest.r is hard to keep pace with. :wink:)


Thank you very much indeed. I’ll take a look at this guide, and in the meantime I’ll stay tuned waiting both for news and for my little wish regarding that integration to be realized. Thanks again for the wonderful work you all do, and I want to tell you @duimon that your overlays are fantastic, they are now a must-have in my RetroGaming experience.


PS - I apologize, I found exactly what I was looking for and now I understand in detail the sharing of your guide. Thanks again for your help, I’ll just have to try. Thank you with all my heart.


Good evening, I apologize in advance if I don’t attach photos but the forum didn’t allow me to upload due to the size, soon I have to look for some service that allows me to create links to share and tonight there was little time. I wanted to point out that the “Drez_gdv_smooth_480” preset does not seem to work correctly, in particular it does not seem to work the image at the beginning of the chain and in fact the ScaleFX which is in fact absent does not work correctly. Everything works perfectly when I don’t increase the original resolution and use the classic “smooth_adv”. I’m running the latest version of RetroArch, I use Vulkan, and the test was done with Kronos cranked to 720p. However, I did not experience any performance degradation or slowdowns whatsoever. If you have the opportunity to test it too, I would be grateful. If necessary I will try to share images tomorrow evening. Thank you for listening.

You can use IrfanView to shrink or limit your *.jpg files to 4096KB. Otherwise you can use to share the entire file without recompression.

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Just checked and it certainly is in there… passes 16 - 21, same as the regular Smooth_ADV.

I’m certainly not an expert but I tested the normal MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV at 480p then turned the internal res up to 1080 and tested with the MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__GDV__DREZ-480p and I can’t see a difference.

480p Normal

1080p with DREZ

I’m not sure what you expect to see that you are not seeing. :man_shrugging: (Unless the sameness is the issue.)

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@Duimon thank you for testing, always very kind. The doubt in a possible malfunction arose in me while seeing Virtua Fighter Remix, testing it with the original resolution and the classic smooth_adv, and testing it rocking at 720p with the Drez_smooth I saw that the ScaleFX did not process its smoothing, looking for example at the selection screen of the fighter. Unfortunately I will be away for a couple of days for work and I don’t have my laptop with me, as soon as I get back I will do more tests and if I continue to encounter problems I will share the photos as kindly recommended by @cyber, in the meantime thanks again and have a good day to all of you.


Is there any possibility of bringing back these settings (halation strength and rolling scan) in the preset “MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY-SUPER-XBR__GDV”, removed in the latest versions?

To you @hyperspacemadness, to you @duimon, to you @guest.r and to all those who collaborated on all this (there are many of you) a heartfelt thank you. I’m feeling a bit like a child again through your work and it’s wonderful. PS of course Akuma beat me up, but as a teenager I loved throwing myself into unequal and unlikely fights :smiley:


Hi guys, thank you all for your amazing work! I’m sure you saved many people a lot of back pain carrying CRTs to their apartments. I’m completely new to Retroarch but so far I’ve managed to successfully use the Mega Bezel shader, Duimon’s MB graphics shader and Cyberlab’s MB presets shader.

Is it possible to combine Duimon’s MB shader with Cyberlab’s presets for a noob like me? I already tried using the Cyberlab shader and Duimon’s graphics as an overlay but as you probably know the overlay sits on top of everything and covers up the “Mega Bezel” part. I imagine the order of shader passes has something to do with it but I would need to split their shaders apart and fuse them together somehow. Would this be hard? Are there any good tutorials for what I want or is this outside the scope of an average user?



Thanks for all the kind words! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think @Duimon should have some direction as to how to hook this up to his collection :slight_smile:


I created a complete set of Duimon’s graphics with CyberLab. The way I did it is simply a slangp file with the paths to CyberLab slangp and Duimon params.

#reference "../../../../CyberLab/MBZ__3__Standard_Full_Reflections/1080p_Optimized_Presets/CyberLab__Ultimate_Virtual_Slot_Mask_CRT-1P2RTA__ADV.slangp"
#reference "../../../../Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Params/Standard/Nintendo_N64/N64-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].params"


This is exactly what I explained in a bit more detail here:

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Got it!

This is heaven, dude. A massive thank you to everyone for all the work they’ve put into this and for distributing it with everyone for free. Is it possible to donate to any of the people/groups?


I appreciate screenshots and videos!


Good evening everyone, I wanted to point out that I noticed, still using the mythological “smooth_adv” preset, that with resolutions higher than 640x480 it darkens the image excessively and creates a kind of artifacts, and therefore in these cases, as done in the past on these presets, I set the mask 2 two and the situation has greatly improved. I attach a link with photos, the first is no. 1 mask and the second is number 2, tested on the Gamecube platform. I don’t know what exactly changes between the two masks, but I wanted to share my experience.

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I was working on my personal video “website” and thought of using dominant color in the cover image as a color, which got me looking for a program that does that. I found Color Thief which gets multiple different colors from the loaded image.

This made me think of when Duimon had done his Bezel Project Script to do something similar. So I just came up with my own bezel settings and thought to post a link to those who would want to check it out.

The Bezel Project Example

#reference "shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV.slangp"
HSM_BZL_WIDTH = "35.000000"
HSM_BZL_NOISE = "10.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_HUE = "5.000000"
HSM_BZL_COLOR_VALUE = "64.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "0.000000"
BackgroundImage = "Beavis and Butt-Head (USA).png"

Hey everyone, I’ve got a really obscure issue here. I’ve been playing SNES games with the Nintendo_SuperNintendo-[Special_Purple]-[FLAT].slangp shader and the bsnes core, with the aspect ratio mode set to PAR for most games since I prefer the way it looks in 8:7 (4:3 just looks too squished to me). While messing around in Dragon Quest 1+2 I noticed that the very top border on the in game menu was cut off, and I narrowed it down to the Crop Overscan core option, set to 8 pixels, snipping it off. I’m not sure why I had it enabled but I feel like at some point in the past I thought it was essential for these megabezels to function properly. With this setup I had a resolution of 765x670, Int Scl Horz 2.98, Int Scl Vert 3 and a Final Aspect ratio of 1.14.

After turning it off, the image looked crushed, so I checked the shader overlay and disabling Crop Overscan had changed the Final Aspect ratio from the previous 1.14 to 1.06. I tried changing the Aspect Mode to Explicit and manually setting the ratio to 1.14, the closest resolution being 766x670, but this clearly still looked off from what I was seeing previously and now the Int Scl Horz value was 3 and Int Scl Vert was 2.79, even though the Final Aspect ratio was still displaying as 1.14.

As a last ditch effort, I tried to alter the explicit aspect ratio so the Int Scl Horz and Int Scl Vert values would be similar to what I had originally (2.98/3, a difference of 0.02), which yielded a resolution of 715x670, Int Scl Horz 2.77, Int Scl Vert 2.79 and a Final Aspect ratio of 1.06.

This LOOKS far closer to what I had at the very start, but I’m confused because according to the overlay, my resolution and final aspect ratio are waaaaay off from what they were originally. My goal with this is to not have anything I SHOULD be seeing cropped out of the image but still maintain an 8:7 aspect ratio so nothing is squished or stretched. Am I misunderstanding something completely or is the final image close to what I should be seeing?

You could use the Overscan Setting to see if there is anything being clipped off.