Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Another question regarding 3d games, is the DREZ advanced 480p preset the best to get 3d graphics a bit upscaled and still using the shaders? I tried using the normal smooth adv preset and can get a 2x upscaling (more than that it crashes), but text and other 2d elements look blurred, is there a setting to change to get clear text while upscaling?

What device are you using. You say 4k but I am not aware of a “device” which has a 4k display.

If you meant you are scaling the internal resolution to 4k, then that could explain most of your issues.

@Duimon maybe if @Negan4 reads and responds to my reply, we might all make some progress in troubleshooting.

I don’t have logs, idk why but my retroarch\logs folder is still empty but logs are enabled into retroarch…

Today I manage to load a standard shader but the game is running sooo slow (like 4 FPS) I’m using N64 core mupen64plus-next and Sega GENESIS GX core, I have no additional enhancements, no video filter at all and defaults settings for both cores. I have set retroarch aspect ratio to fullscreen, and my screen resolution is 3840x2160

I have actually 20GB of RAM and 12GB of VRAM for the iGPU

20GB of RAM on an iGP. That doesn’t sound like it’s running the RAM in dual channel mode. I’m not sure if AMD iGPUs support Flex Mode but even that isn’t optimal for an iGPU setup.

You need your RAM Channels to have identical amounts of and speeds of RAM in order to run in dual channel mode and maximise your memory bandwidth, which is critical for good iGPU gaming performance.

So the RAM should be 8GB, 16GB or 32GB with with 4, 8 or 16GB per channel.

  1. Even the Nvidia GTX 970 outperforms the 780M.

  2. When I said my 5600G ran the Mega Bezel I meant at 1080p.

  3. Honestly… 4K is wasted on a handheld. If you can… lower your resolution to 1080p and you will get much better results. I’m fairly certain there isn’t an iGPU that can handle the Mega Bezel at 4k.


Thanks I didn’t know it worked like that It seems a lot better now


Many thanks to Duimon for his latest border pack and making my Tandy dreams possible! Close enough to a CM-5. I love this. :slight_smile:

(and TheNamec too, of course, for the background)

I have modified both in to fit the scene a bit better.


I’m having what looks like the exact same problem as Negan4 here with these exact same cores (mupen64plus & genesis gx).

If I go into my config and remove the mega bezel shader slang files for these cores I can load them up again, but with any mega bezel loaded I just get an instant crash.

The problem here is that I’ve been using mega bezel on all my cores for years now, I have just about every computer and console emulator out there setup within retroarch and launchbox, with all of them using mega bezel high end presets. I’ve never had a problem like this with any of the cores and mega bezel. Some seem to be still working fine like NES (mesen), SNES (snes9x), and DOSBOX Pure, but both the cores mentioned above as well as a few other I’ve tried are just immediately crashing.

I have a 4070ti Super and i9 14900kf and again never have had any crashing issues with retroarch/mega bezel.

I’ve also always used retroarch development builds and updated to the most recent one yesterday, which is the only thing I can think of as causing this issue?

You are not alone. I must use the Retroarch Nightly Builds because there is a fix in them for MIDI output that is not in the stable build yet, and as of Christmas Eve, certain MegaBezel presets I have made cause CTD of Retroarch on start, or switching to the preset. My solution was to roll back to the 12/22 build, by manually downloading from the repository and installing over my existing Steam install. Make sure you set Steam to “stable” when you do this, so you don’t lose your copy over the next day.

Yeah that definitely did it, going back to the 12/22 build everything started running again as before.

I just went through debugging at least something that looks like this, what does your path/name of your shaders folder that your preset is being loaded from?

I notice on the latest nightly if I have an additional shaders folder that I name shaders_copy and I try to load from it it crashes out when I load a preset. The issue seems related to using wildcards.

In my case the bone stock “shaders” folder tree, with nothing funky. What is odd is in the 12/23 and beyond, some of the presets work, but others don’t–and I think it has to do with how many layers deep a simple shader preset chain is, where you make one, then tweak, make another, etc., and they stack on one another.

I wish Retroarch allowed you to select a file to save new teaks to, rather than having to type the full name out.


I’m really liking this latest this 1440p preset I’ve been tweaking heavily. Getting color balance and accuracy right is always so hard. I’m going for a 1980s to mid 1990s era Trinitron tube, using Duimon’s RCA cabinet as the border for now and theNamec’s background. Requirements: SHARP image, POWERFUL CRT phosphors that pop, and nice contrast. All characteristic of these top in consumer tubes. They weren’t PVM/BVM, but we didn’t have that kind of equipment in homes, anyways.

Next goal: Figure out how to get some plants on either side of the cabinet. I know how I can accomplish this using the layers, just have to figure out how to 'shop the right plant image in. The image will come from the center of either the bg or led layer, problem is, by doing it that way I cannot have have it inversed on either side. Other option is pasting on top of the border and flipping the plant image on either side. This is only viable for 32:9 displays, however.

That said, the more I tweak in MegaBezel the more I realize how brilliant y’all are in how you are structuring the shader suite. The decision to use layers for the bezel/background was a very intelligent design decision! Definitely appreciated. Well done, MegaBezel creators!

For full resolution image:

(Imgur compression stinks)

As an aside, some 1980s television sets had multibezel arrangements, where there’d be an outer bezel, a flat plane, and then an inner bezel. I don’t believe we have such functionality yet:

I was thinking of using that image as a base, or similar, but realized I don’t think there’s multiplanar bezel functionality yet.

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Ahah! I watched the whole Initial D with shaders applied, that’s the scene where is is drifting like you and me drink a glass of water :smile:

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This kind of thing has been done already using Mega Bezel. I believe @Duimon might have some examples and further knowledge on this topic.

Hello what is sampling resolution when displaying graphic info? Mine says 1920x224 (on a Megadrive game), is this supposed to be this value? Core resolution is 320x224 and viewport resolution is 3840x2160 (which matches my TV resolution).

Hey @HyperspaceMadness and @Duimon , have you tried this? It has been already implemented in Retroarch, and can be preppended to the awesome Mega Bezel shader:

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There is a thread with “rolling scanlines” in the title about this… in there HSM mentioned to me that it would take a week or two to get this integrated into MB.

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@Drybonz, Yup, this is definitely the next thing I’m doing when I get a few hours to work on it, I’ve already added it in in a prototype, I just need to more fully test it

@regiregi22 A word of WARNING, You really don’t want to prepend shaders to the Mega Bezel (other than testing purposes) and save a preset if you ever want to upgrade to future releases of the Mega Bezel.

This is because when you prepend passes and save a preset it saves a full preset with copies of all the passes instead of just a reference to the base MB preset and parameter changes.

The other thing to mention is that just using a prepend will cause a number of features to probably not with properly, because the effect is going on too early