Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

What parts of the shader did you customize?

Screen Size and bezel/overlay size. Those two were the main ones I customized. I screwed around with the color levels a bit, but other than that, most of the shader is the same

I’ll try to take a look at this soon.

I would suggest that if you manually dialing in the scale not using an exact integer scale that you turn off scl_use_integer_scale and set the size using scl_non_integer_scale.

I’m thinking that perhaps I should remove the scl_scale_offset because if you use it when your screen is integer scaled it is no longer actually integer scaled.

Just checked the shader in Retroarch, integer scale is turned off.

Also, tried it on THPS2 using the beetle-psx core. There is nasty color banding when the video is scaled down to the size it has to be

Other than this, all the other systems I tried worked fine, some little adjustments, but good to go otherwise.

so you still have the problem with Snes9X and N64?

The moire color banding is due to the non linear scaling as well as the low resolution the screen ends up at after being scaled down, in your screenshot the image coming from the core should be about 480 pixels tall and the crt screen image after the shader is done with it is only 512 pixels tall.

At this resolution I would suggest trying the Easymode version which tends to handle different resolutions and non-integer scale well.

No problem at all with SNES9X, n64 is where I have the problem.

Tried the easymode version, the top reflection is barely visible on screen, and I don’t think the bottom reflection is there at all. Sides are fine.

If N64 is set to 720p output instead of 480p, my shader version displays upside down and squished vertically. I have next to no clue as to why this is happening.

Thanks, that should help me narrow down the problem. I can also double check the difference in the easy mode preset as the reflection should be the same as the main preset

I’ll have to install the N64 core as I never play it!

5 posts were split to a new topic: Mame-libretro status

Hello! I loved your shader, could you make a version with CBOD shader applied to get rid of dithering in certain systems?

This is an interesting idea, which shaders do you find do this best, including the kind used on genesis games (E. G. Jail bars)?


Personally I prefer gtu-v50.

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I prefer the cbod shader effect for dithering, I often use Lion King from genesis to test if the shader is good at dithering. I don’t understand how shaders work, but it would be nice if we can on/off this dithering mode in the parameters.

My english is a little bit rusty.

Hi the latest update to the Mega Bezel Reflection shader is up!

Latest Changes

  • Automatic Bezel Generation
  • Reflection fade is now consistently across the whole range of the sides and bottom, it does not end prematurely like it used to
  • Reflections in the corners
  • There is now control of the sharpness of the reflection and the reflection can be sharp right next to the screen
  • Optional noise has been added to the reflection fade which helps it look more real and avoid an overly smooth look -guest-venom shader has been updated to the latest from release 1.8.2

Further work planned

  • Add adjustable diffuse shading on the bezel (right now you can only change the highlight in the corner) -possible addition of optional de-dithering pass

There are a few presets in the package:

hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-crt-easymode-halation.slangp - Standard Preset with Easmode includes auto-generated bezel and automatically scaling overlay image

hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-crt-guest-dr-venom.slangp - Standard Preset includes auto-generated bezel and automatically scaling overlay image

hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-crt-guest-dr-venom-no-overlay.slangp - same as above but the overlay image pass removed - this can be used with standard retroarch overlays

hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-crt-guest-dr-venom-image-bezel.slangp - Has an image bezel instead of the autogenerated bezel, this would be what you would use if you wanted to do something like @lilbud did with the PVM preset he made. If you use this it would probably be best to set both image passes to have the image go fullscreen rather than scaling with the screen

hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-crt-guest-dr-venom-GBA.slangp - Same as default but with a different aspect ratio and overlay

Also included is a readme which explains a bit about how to integrate the mega screen scale, also the actual shaders which have it integrated in this package have all the modifications commented in the files so you can see what was changed.

Here are some screenshots

With @ArsInvictus’s Ghouls and Ghosts overlay!


Haven’t tested it yet, but the screens are looking great!

Cool to see the auto-bezel making it in, along with the reflection noise/static.

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Another great update. Love this shader!


This…is absolutely gorgeous! The noise feature was a great add, though I turned it down to .35 from the default of 60.

I think I will also be switching to venom. I love the automatic scanline direction capability. Overall this is the best shader I’ve used and I love how many options there are to change everything. At some point I’ll probably spend a weekend tweaking the hell out of this :slight_smile:

Thanks for your work on this!

Here it is with Metal Slug 3 in vertical mode:

And Truxton:


@HyperspaceMadness I’m pretty sure that copy of crt-guest-dr-venom is still technically out of date, unless you removed the linearize-scanlines.slang pass completely from it.

Not complaining in this slightest, I just wasn’t sure if you knew or if it was done this way for specific reasons.

Not that I find it to be an issue if it’s not completely up-to-date currently, as you are still adding things and getting feedback at this time (and you’re not trying to get feedback about guests shader, you’re trying to get feedback for the bezel-reflection.)


Thanks, good catch!

I updated the crt .slang pass but forgot to check the differences in the preset, so I’ll need to check the difference between the presets and make sure the passes are the same.


This is awesome seeing this integrated with your amazing overlay work!

Yeah, the vertical scanlines are cool, it’s a great feature that guest put in his shader.