Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Yeesss that is the one I am thinking of getting. My only concern is that it might be too big for a PC monitor (plus the price). I am hoping for a hefty discount towards the end of the year. If you do obtain one please share the results.


Thank you @HyperspaceMadness and @Duimon


I think if you were trying to use it as a desk monitor you would need to mount it a few feet from your face.

I have a 48" tv in our living room which I tried out as a vertical setup, and it is a little big for even that, the ideal for a vertical setup seems to be 43".

Here’s a snapshot, at the bottom is a keyboard in front of the tv.

The on the TV is one of ArsInvictus’ awesome overlays.

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Looks great! :smiley:

Fun game too, I had that one for the gameboy advance :slight_smile:


Yes! We need more treasure games.


Wow that is tall. I hope your neck is okay hah. I am so tempted by the LG CX. Problem is my current monitor ended up being too good, it simply refuses to die or even show the slightest imperfection after a decade of use. I am secretly hoping it would die on me so i’d have the excuse.

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@Diego Looks awesome!

BTW. If you use the “GBA_TopLayerImage_Night.jpg” in the night folder of my repo as your TopLayerImage the power LED will be on. :grin:

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Hi Same issue here 0.222 freezes retroarch tried on few setups Intel I7 - 9700K + 2070RTX Intel i3 7100 - GTX 1050Ti Intel I7 8086K GTX 1070

GL, GL1, GLCORE, VULCAN - all freezes 0.219 Mame core works just fine

did anyone found solution?


Hmm, seems at least in your case it’s probably not a hardware issue because I personally run a RTX 2060, and I don’t have any crashing. Also I’m pretty sure people have also run it on the GTX 1050ti & 1070.

For the retroarch video driver I would only suggest using Vulcan or GLCore with this, because these are the only ones that I’ve validated to work. (Vulcan seems to give better performance)

Which version of Retroarch are you on?

I would also suggest trying to update the graphics drivers to the latest just to be sure.

That happened to me some days ago with MAME 0.222. I updated the cores and MAME is working back like normal. There was an issue with a core update it seems, nothing to do with this pack.

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Thanks @Telmo

In general if anyone has difficulties loading the shader the best way to know if the cause is directly shader related is to add the imageviewer core to retroarch then open an image in it and load the shader, if the if it loads correctly then the shader is working.

When it works in imageviewer but doesn’t work when using a core, it is possibly related to the core, or the graphics card being overwhelmed by resource usage with both the core demands and the shader demands.


Hi thanks, using 1.8.9 nightly re-updated cores as you mentioned and it works now!



Hi all!

Just recently discovered this beautiful wizardry of custom shaders and I gotta say - I’m really impressed with all of this, @HyperspaceMadness you are doing one of the greatest contributions to the community that I have ever seen, thanks for all your effort!

That said, I’m kinda lost trying to make all of this to work properly on my end, is there any guide/tutorial on how to setup “HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader”? Something explaining the differences/nuances between the presets, how to customize them, etc…

So far, I’m in love with the Night preset. It looks so good with the overlay that it comes. I’m trying to use it in most systems, but I’m having some problems… Using Genesis Plus GX for example, Genesis works perfectly out of the box, but Master System displays the image flattened and the Night overlay even changes its shape to accommodate the image.

Beetle PSX HW is another one that I’m yet to make it work with the Night Preset.

Any tips on these?


Hi @Bullfrog, welcome to the forum!

Thanks, I’m using so much great shader work others have already done which is integrated here, and the Mega Bezel works along with this to add effects, manage scaling and add other ease of use features.

So the short answer is that I need to write a guide & documentation for all the detailed options :stuck_out_tongue:.

The preset which I consider to be my main standard preset is hsm-mega-bezel-crt-guest-dr-venom.slangp or hsm-mega-bezel-crt-guest-dr-venom-Night.slangp this is using Guest’s awesome Guest-Dr-Venom CRT shader, and Duimon’s great custom background :space_invader:.

Most of the presets have the same core Mega Bezel settings, but integrate different shaders.

In general the way the Mega Bezel works is there is a background image which fills the screen, then the game screen is drawn scaled down with an automatically generated bezel image drawn around the screen. So the bezel and frame you see around the screen is auto generated and not part of the background image.

When you say flattened, can you describe more what you mean? Can you include a screenshot? You can set GPU screenshot to on in the video settings or you can use windows print screen (If you use windows you need to alt-tab back and forth to update the screen buffer before you hit print screen).

Could add a screenshot with this to show what you are seeing?

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@HyperspaceMadness @Bullfrog

I ran a master system ROM on both the picodrive and the genesis plus gx core, and had no problems loading the dr-venom-Night preset. I also had no problem loading the preset running Beetle PSX HW, although it does suffer from the recently introduced scaling bug. :upside_down_face:

This sounds a little like it might be caused by the bug also?

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Could be, I should have a fix to that aspect ratio bug where the screen switches to a square aspect ratio on PSX startup pretty soon (Today or Tomorrow)

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Hi @Bullfrog, welcome to the forum!

Thanks a lot, @HyperspaceMadness :grin: :grin: :grin:

Thanks, I’m using so much great shader work others have already done which is integrated here, and the Mega Bezel works along with this to add effects, manage scaling and add other ease of use features.

So the short answer is that I need to write a guide & documentation for all the detailed options :stuck_out_tongue:.

The preset which I consider to be my main standard preset is hsm-mega-bezel-crt-guest-dr-venom.slangp or hsm-mega-bezel-crt-guest-dr-venom-Night.slangp this is using Guest’s awesome Guest-Dr-Venom CRT shader, and Duimon’s great custom background :space_invader:.

Most of the presets have the same core Mega Bezel settings, but integrate different shaders.

In general the way the Mega Bezel works is there is a background image which fills the screen, then the game screen is drawn scaled down with an automatically generated bezel image drawn around the screen. So the bezel and frame you see around the screen is auto generated and not part of the background image.

Nice, I’m starting to see the whole picture! =D

When you say flattened, can you describe more what you mean? Can you include a screenshot? You can set GPU screenshot to on in the video settings or you can use windows print screen (If you use windows you need to alt-tab back and forth to update the screen buffer before you hit print screen).

Sure, took some using Retroarch’s built-in screenshot system (using F8):

Mega Drive (working flawless):

Master System:

(Just learned how to properly quote here, :sweat_smile:)

Now, about this, as soon as I try to load the Night Preset on Beetle PSX HW, Retroarch closes itself, =/

Just a note: I updated Retroarch + Cores today, before taking the screenshots. Also using the latest release of HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader And GPU drives also up to date.

Not know if this is relevant, but I’m using a GTX 1060 (6GB VRAM version) and CPU is a i5-6500.

So probably the issue is on my end. :pensive:

Btw, @Duimon are you the man behind the the art from hsm-mega-bezel-crt-guest-dr-venom-Night? Awesome work! :100:


(Editing my post)

So, just did some experiments with Beetle PSX HW: Any hsm-mega-bezel and any hsm-reflection-only makes Retroarch close as soon as they are applied.

However, hsm-screen-scale-crt-guest-dr-venom and hsm-screen-scale-crt-royale worked perfectly:

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@Bullfrog Your system should be plenty able enough for the shader. I just had Beetle PSX HW running on a dinosaur i7 860 and a GTX 750 Ti, with the dr-venom mega bezel preset.

Quick question.

Are you using a clean new install of Retroarch or running the shader on an old setup?

BTW. I do happen to be the author of the graphic, HSM has been kind enough to include it in his release. I have a Github repo…

…where you will find other graphics you can use with the night preset, (complete with Lit LED TopLayerImages for systems with visible LEDs.) No Master System graphic yet but you could make a request. :wink: (I have a habit of moving requests to the top of my list.)

@HyperspaceMadness I tried recreating this by running the same ROMs and could not.


Thanks for all the screenshots, this helps a lot, you are right it got squished flat like a pancake :pancakes: :wink:

So this is the bug I was mentioning before which I just introduced it in this latest release. For the time being to correct it go to parameters for the shader and set aspect ratio to 4:3 instead of Auto and you will get a normal 4:3 screen aspect. Basically the default setting is Auto which tries to guess the aspect ratio, but you can always override this to a specific aspect ratio.

I should be releasing an updated version with the fix tonight or latest tomorrow.

I’d love to see a Master System BG :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been firing up Phantasy Star recently and everything except the overworld still really looks great! (Nothing wrong with the overworld, just nothing special)


Request heard my friend. :grin: