Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Yeah I think I will keep the part that the mega bezel does where it tries to simulate a particular scanline resolution, rather than being tied to the core resolution.

I’ll probably expose a vertical resolution to simulate, e.g. 240p, and also allow the user to choose if they want the scanlines line up exactly with the monitor pixels.

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@HyperspaceMadness, Thanks again for each update.

The presets are organized by performance and I noticed the base shaders have more stages. Are there any reasons for using base shaders?

I couldn’t find any visual differences between the base shaders and the simplified ones.


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No problem :slight_smile:

The simplified ones have a bunch of passes removed including:

  • MDAPT (De-Dithering)
  • ShaderFX (Shape Smoothing, like XBR or Super Eagle)
  • GTU (Composite, Horizontal Blurring)

When these are not on you would not see a difference between the full presets and the simple ones

I’m enjoying making bezels for your shader. I’m not sure if I should pursue a route of a TV inside a console or a TV inside the box art. Either can get on the garish side of things.


Looking pretty good, mate!

If I were you, I would go down the “TV inside the box art” route, since @Duimon already has a pretty robust portfolio of “TV inside a console”.

But anyway, that’s just what I would do. You “TV inside a console” is also looking pretty nice and by no means feels “redundant” with Duimon’s work

@BendBombBoom Do what feel good to you my friend. There is always room for more. @Orionsangel already had a great collection before I started mine.

And, of course, help yourself to my source if bits of it can save you some time. Great work!:grin:

@Duimon For console bevels I like where the screen seems integrated into the console vs sitting atop it. I could always toss the ones I make in your thread and you can take whatever you need as well!


I don’t really understand what Dogway’s grading shader does exactly ; could someone explain please ?


Sure, it’s a big color correction/color management shader. You can adjust color temperature, contrast, saturation, black level and there are a lot of small tweaks that can be done.

Here is a thread which goes into the details


I’m adding optional curvature to the outside of the bezel and the frame, here’s a snapshot


That looks mighty cool my friend!


Mega Bezel is updated to V 2020-08-15


  • Frame edge bevel thickness and shading amount

  • Adjust bezel outer corner without affecting corner highlight

  • Added curvature for outer bezel and outer frame

  • Added Night Mode (doesn’t use top image anymore)

  • Added Decal Image Layer (decals can be added on top of the frame)

  • Added Lights Image Layer (for small self illuminated lights)

  • Performance of Guest-Venom Preset on Nvidia RTX2060:

    • 3840x2160 - 155 fps

The new images are in for Night Mode, Decal Image and Lights Image

This allows you to put lights on top of a generic night image, and the night image is controlled by it’s own Night Mode Opacity parameter

Here’s the night mode, decal and lights in action, the decal goes on first, then the night darkening, then the light goes on additively on top

The light image for this example (Extracted from @Duimon’s graphics:


@HyperspaceMadness, thanks again for you great work here!

Can I put a dark effect to any overlay around the frame?


I think I’ll jump in here.


This built-in method only works with graphics used by the shader. (By manually editing the shader *.slang.)

If you want to do this with an overlay I can set you up with a template that you will only have to change masking for different graphics.

If you are using the shader under an overlay you will have to apply my template AND the shader layer in order to get the effect you see here. (Things get a little trickier when you use hybrid methods. :wink:)


Hmmm, that would be cool @Duimon!

Although at this moment, I don’t have powerful hardware to support these effects, it will be a great learning opportunity.

So, can I inject any image next to the shader parameters?

Yes. There is a guide (a little outdated currently.) here.

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Now it makes sense when you told me in a private message about the shader making a hole in the image.

I was also able to see the result in some settings, as they were exclusive to the background. Great !!!

Hey, is there any way to increase performance on my hardware? Ryzen 3 2200G (vega 8 apu), 8GB Ram @ 1080p

Thank you!

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There are some presets and tricks you can do. I have had it running fairly well on a Nvidia GTX 750, but, a GTX 750 really out performs a vega 8 igpu.

Are you using a laptop? If not, and you have space, I would recommend getting a dedicated video card, for reasons other than just using this shader.

Sadly, our hardware determines what choices we have when it comes to software. On my android devices I cannot even use crt-geom. :frowning_face:

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In fact, I want to build another more powerful PC, but it’s not the time yet.

I was wondering if they could create a lighter shader, using few stages, but allowing geometry adjustments, for example.

The zfast-crt.slangp shader is one that delivers a very good result with just one stage. Could you consider that?

Have you tried the scale-only presets which are at the bottom of the list?

These have the scaling and grade but none of the other passes.

Could you try the guest-venom version of the scaling only shader and let me know how many fps you get on something like snes? This can give me an idea of the performance of your system.

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