Yup it’s just a multiplication by the brightness in the mask image. The mask looks like a high contrast version of the bezel graphic which has this texture in it already
can you share that overlay? in png? without sega image plssss.
This isn’t an overlay image. It’s a visual effect in the reflection shader itself.
looks great. I need to get a cheap LCD TV to try this out.
Hey i have an issue with puae for the commodore cd32.i 've tryed to use a TV shader it’s crash automaticaly.so i’ve tried with other preset from madness it crash to. But with regular shader.slang it dosen’t crash. have u allready see that issue? dosen’t work with one of the pc engine core too.
I could not get cd32 to work but can get regular Amiga to run using PUAE, so my issue is different it seems. I have no problems with the Beetle core for PC Engine.
Beetle PCE FAST WORKS Beetle PCE supergrafx WORKS Beetle PCE CRASH
i don’t know why
have you put the good kick40060.CD32 and kick40060.CD32.ext roms in the retroarch system folder ? PUAE work well with CD32 on my side
yes, tested just right now :
- Retroarch 1.9.0
- PUAE 2.6.1 5447b31 (latest one)
- using Shader hsm__MEGABEZEL__3__SIMPLE__GUEST-DrVENOM.slangp for the test
don’t understand why it’s crashing…have the same setup…
ok i’ve test the same as u use it works.it seems accepte MBezel 3,4 and 5 but any others
have u try a prest from dumion’s page?
which one ? didn’t know that Duimon have done presets Simple question : are you using Vulcan or GLCore for the video driver ?
Vulkan as my 40 other systems;)
Yeah, my bad. It is the Neo-Geo CD I am having problems with. Not Amiga.
… the incredible RetroFanZ… Sorry lol And? have you test? sorry to be boring…