MESS 2014 and UME 2014 versions

I’ve searched the web and github, but couldn’t find an answer to a simple question:

What versions are MESS 2014 and UME 2014? I’d like to know what romset would be most compatible with these cores.

These cores are in the buildbot, but I couldn’t find repositories for them on github.


I believe they’re all built from this repo:

Which puts them at “1.59-ish”

Interesting. I thought MAME and MESS were merged at 0.162 though?

As I understand it, they shared codebases for much longer than that, it’s just at that point there was no longer a MESS as such, it’s all just MAME.

UME was haze attempt to combine mame+mess (started in 2011) since 0.162 mame , it’s simply mame.

Great, thanks for all the info!