I’m currently having this problem, i don’t how to solve it. I have tried to change all the options with no luck, it happens in all the games a tried.
All cores updated, using muppen64 next in the last version of retroarch at windows 10, i have a 1660 super
it happens with the gliden64 plugin, it doesn’t care what resolution I use or if I use integer scale, tried all the combinations i have imagined in the scaling options in video, change video plugin, gl, glcore, vulcan or dx12. Nothing seems to work
can someone help me?
mupen64plus-169screensize = "1920x1080"
mupen64plus-43screensize = "1440x1080"
mupen64plus-alt-map = "False"
mupen64plus-angrylion-multithread = "all threads"
mupen64plus-angrylion-overscan = "disabled"
mupen64plus-angrylion-sync = "High"
mupen64plus-angrylion-vioverlay = "Filtered"
mupen64plus-aspect = "4:3"
mupen64plus-astick-deadzone = "15"
mupen64plus-astick-sensitivity = "100"
mupen64plus-BackgroundMode = "Stripped"
mupen64plus-BilinearMode = "3point"
mupen64plus-CorrectTexrectCoords = "Force"
mupen64plus-CountPerOp = "0"
mupen64plus-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler"
mupen64plus-d-cbutton = "C3"
mupen64plus-EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = "Sync"
mupen64plus-EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = "FromMem"
mupen64plus-EnableEnhancedHighResStorage = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableEnhancedTextureStorage = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableFBEmulation = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableFragmentDepthWrite = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableHWLighting = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableLegacyBlending = "False"
mupen64plus-EnableLODEmulation = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableN64DepthCompare = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableNativeResTexrects = "Optimized"
mupen64plus-EnableOverscan = "Disabled"
mupen64plus-EnableShadersStorage = "True"
mupen64plus-EnableTextureCache = "True"
mupen64plus-ForceDisableExtraMem = "False"
mupen64plus-FrameDuping = "True"
mupen64plus-Framerate = "Fullspeed"
mupen64plus-FXAA = "0"
mupen64plus-l-cbutton = "C2"
mupen64plus-MaxTxCacheSize = "8000"
mupen64plus-MultiSampling = "8"
mupen64plus-NoiseEmulation = "True"
mupen64plus-OverscanBottom = "0"
mupen64plus-OverscanLeft = "0"
mupen64plus-OverscanRight = "0"
mupen64plus-OverscanTop = "0"
mupen64plus-pak1 = "memory"
mupen64plus-pak2 = "none"
mupen64plus-pak3 = "none"
mupen64plus-pak4 = "none"
mupen64plus-r-cbutton = "C1"
mupen64plus-rdp-plugin = "gliden64"
mupen64plus-rsp-plugin = "parallel"
mupen64plus-rspmode = "HLE"
mupen64plus-txCacheCompression = "False"
mupen64plus-txEnhancementMode = "As Is"
mupen64plus-txFilterIgnoreBG = "True"
mupen64plus-txFilterMode = "Smooth filtering 1"
mupen64plus-txHiresEnable = "False"
mupen64plus-txHiresFullAlphaChannel = "False"
mupen64plus-u-cbutton = "C4"
mupen64plus-virefresh = "Auto"