My 4k OLED Sony PVM Overlays


I understand and while you can do this manually, you can also load any preset, then go into Save then turn `Use Simple Presets Off’, then save the preset as whatever filename you would like and you will end up with a single file, standalone (Full) preset that isn’t dependent on other reference preset files.

Also, when you need to edit multiple files at once, you can use an editor like Notepad++.


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I am unable to see anything that @John.Merrit posted. It’s all just a string of numbers & letters together. Can everything somehow be re-uploaded so it can be visible again?

He probably just fell asleep at the keyboard. Just click on the little pencil icon next to the date of the post and you can see up to his last edit.


Okay, this looks like more than just falling asleep at the keyboard but you can still click the edit button to see up to the last edit.

I believe he may have rage quit.


Nope…that still won’t work. When I click on the pencil and click on the image files, it says “404 Not Found”. Literally none of the images he posted is showing. So I doubt the download links for them are working.