Nestopia and Konami japanese games

How to run these games with this core exactly?I’ve tried these methods

1.Put that db xml to system dir - not working (There’s a difference with/without xml,with xml -black screen,without xml - failed to load content)

2.Add crc and sha-1 - not working

3.Latest RA android build latest nestopia core - not working.

4.roms with header - not working

Please someone teach me step by step,it drives me crazy…

OK,it seems the only way is just using FCEUmm,and delete Nestupid UE.

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It’s a stupid process of converting the files to bin, removing headers, changing Hash numbers in the internal database etc… Just use Mesen, It has surpassed Nestopia and FCEultra isn’t worth considering.

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Agreed,normal users won’t do that complex process.Too bad my phone isn’t that powerful to run Mesen.

i dont think you have any idea what you are talking about… even QuickNES runs most of the “known” dumps. and you dont even have to remove headers( rom dumps floating around the net without headers is a mistake )

I can’t run those games due to the headerless roms i’m using? Never mind,tried roms with header,not working.

I gave it a shot with "Wai Wai World with english translation patch by Zynk Oxhyde:

  1. Test 1: Ran the game
    Result: FAILED!

  2. Test 2: Removed its header, added what was in the header to NstDatabase.xml (CRC32, SHA1, Mapper number, PRG, CHR, Flags)
    Result: FAILED!

  3. Test 3: Didn’t remove the header and added the appropriate info to NstDatabase.xml
    Result: FAILED!

To further clarify, the error is:
"[ERROR] This core requires a content file, could not load content."

Thanks for the advice, mate. FCEUmm runs everything I throw at it :triumph:

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No problem dude :wink:

  1. *if you are hard-patching, nestopia will not find your rom in database due to change in crc(patched)

  2. *if you are soft-patching, nestopia wont find that rom either. Nestopia is suppose to handle soft-patching, but the way it has been integrated into retroarch assumes that retroarch was suppose to handle soft-patching, hence the error coz its passing on the changed crc instead of the actual prg+chr crc only.

  3. *you can remedy the issue above by adding in new database yourself, but you are adding it wrong hence it still fails. you need to add the crc, sha1 of the modified rom after patching (even if soft-patching) and update any other entries(like prg/chr size, mirroring or sometimes mapper#) thats changed by the patch.

  4. anyways most of the error is on the user’s side for not understanding whats going on and assumes everything is just plug and play.

I’m using original japanese roms,not translations,nestopia can’t even load original roms.

at least for Contra (Japanese) i already showed you that it works both in linux/windows and on android, at least on my end. so something is wrong in your end if that specific game does not work. I dont have idea about other games, but most of the time, correctly headered roms should work in Nestopia.

I’m pretty sure my rom is header correct,you can fake that screenshot though like this

load contra with quicknes core > back to gui and load nestopia core ,done.

MY GOD!.. and why would i fake screenshots? nevermind then… you seem to know a lot more than i do then…

Why not send us your modified xml and roms?Gonna have a test then you’re trusted :grinning:

Let’s see then. Here is a dump of the header of the game “Wai Wai World (J)” patched with english translation:

00000000: 4E 45 53 1A 08 10 70 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  NES…p…

According to this document:

Bytes=> 0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
        N       E       S       ^Z      PRG     CHR     MAP/SW  MAP/0(always)
        4E      45      53      1A      08      10      70      10
PRG: 08 * 16k = 128k
CHR: 10 *  8k =  80k
MAPPER:  0x17 =  23

$ crc32 /tmp/ROMS/Wai\ Wai\ World\ \(J\)\ \[T-Eng\ Zynk\ v1.0\]\ \[Scroll\ Fix\ v1.0\].nes
$ sha1sum /tmp/ROMS/Wai\ Wai\ World\ \(J\)\ \[T-Eng\ Zynk\ v1.0\]\ \[Scroll\ Fix\ v1.0\].nes 
5065aa8a5bdd584724faf4da97f8e70931d9312f  /tmp/ROMS/Wai Wai World (J) [T-Eng Zynk v1.0] [Scroll Fix v1.0].nes

Then I suppose I must introduce that info into NstDatabase.xml like this:

    <cartridge system="Famicom" dump="unknown" crc="2511E89C" sha1="A199B024B4C16D4E4787C59B029C977A4015E524">
        <board mapper="23">
            <prg size="128k" />
            <chr size="80k" />

What am I doing wrong? :confused:

EDIT: Fix shit and added link.

not gonna prove anything to you(or the need to) anymore

I said that,you faked the pics :pensive:

you need to calculate without the header

yeah i have that lots of time to try and help others here in the forums, and send in my own fixes to some cores by faking stuff…

That’s without the header :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

EDIT: To be clear, the rom had a header that I stripped, and used that info for the database. What is going on?